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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

anyone bipolar?


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i have never been diagnosed but the way i am acting seems like depressive bipolar.....im so tired of feeling mental all the time. to the people who have bipolar how does it feel to you? i would really appreciate your input.
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Why do you need to attach a diagnosis to yourself?; you are just you on a spectrum of possibilities.


I think going thru PAWS makes a lot of us feel 'bipolar'...labels suck...I am me, and it's OK.

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Well, I am not Bipolair but I did get a diagnosis for it, because my waves and windows, were mistaken as being bipolar.

I've since been retested at the Stanford bipolar clinic and nope... Not.


Have you ever experienced mania?

Do you feel,like, super good on those days, feeling like you can do anything and evrything?

Or such severe depression following that you just want everything to stop?


The rapid ccylcing that sometimes exists in people with bipolar was mistaken for benzo withdrawal in my case.


If it were me in your shoes, I would probably leave this untouched untill you're off benzo's.

Testing for and medicating for illnesses that mimic benzo Wd can further complicate things IMO.


But I hope you will find out what's going on with you when you can.

It's so hard. I know.


Just wanted to share, since I was put on medication for bipolar when I didn't know it was benzo Wd.

And I had to chip in and give my thought about it, since the meds that came with it made me worse.


Something to consider.

Hoping people who are truly bipolar will chip in and ca share their experience with you..

Good luck :smitten:


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i guess I'm just looking for answers.  :(  just wanted to hear other peoples stories and how they deal with bipolar.  i told myself i would wait a couple of years to go through this and then maybe go to a psychiatrist. i don't want to get a wrong diagnosis. I'm just so sad and anxious all the time. sometimes i feel if i knew what was going on i could deal with it better. its hard to keep telling myself its withdrawal. I've been on drugs for so long. i don't know whats me or the withdrawal. i have no physical symptoms. I'm just so weird right now.  :( :( :( thanks for the comment cookienose. hope you are doing better.
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Well, I am not Bipolair but I did get a diagnosis for it, because my waves and windows, were mistaken as being bipolar.

I've since been retested at the Stanford bipolar clinic and nope... Not.


Have you ever experienced mania?

Do you feel,like, super good on those days, feeling like you can do anything and evrything?

Or such severe depression following that you just want everything to stop?


The rapid ccylcing that sometimes exists in people with bipolar was mistaken for benzo withdrawal in my case.


If it were me in your shoes, I would probably leave this untouched untill you're off benzo's.

Testing for and medicating for illnesses that mimic benzo Wd can further complicate things IMO.


But I hope you will find out what's going on with you when you can.

It's so hard. I know.


Just wanted to share, since I was put on medication for bipolar when I didn't know it was benzo Wd.

And I had to chip in and give my thought about it, since the meds that came with it made me worse.


Something to consider.

Hoping people who are truly bipolar will chip in and ca share their experience with you..

Good luck :smitten:



you are right. there is no way i would go get a diagnosis right now. I'm just frustrated. i do remember having days i felt on top of the world and i would tell myself this will be gone soon back to being depressed. i kind of did this my whole life.  at the same time i was always on such a large dose of benzos plus other drugs.  i don't think i was manic. i would get hyper. i don't know. when i went to the mental hospital for a couple weeks. i would see people with bipolar and they were so up and down. that was when i was 18 and tried to kill myself... so along time ago. maybe i just need more time to balance out to really know. i really can't compare to what happened to me at 18 to know at 36. uhhhg. I'm just so wanting to move on from this and I'm still in the bad dream. bi hug to ya.....hope you start feeling better. thanks for your comment.

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Like many folks on this forum, I also have the bipolar diagnosis. I've had it since 1985 when it was called manic depression.


I had depression as a kid and was placed on an AD. This led to mania. Pure mania. I thought I was G-d.


So I was told my depression was really manic depression, as AD's were (and still are) used as a diagnostic tool for "unmasking a mental illness that is already there." Umm...really?


So now we know about serotonin toxicity and serotonin syndrome, which can manifest as mania.


But for 30 years, every time I cycled into either depression or mania, my drugs were changed. This wasn't to "cure" or even "treat" the problem - all it did was make the condition chronic and create rapid cycling. Rapid cycling, by the way, is relatively new. My mood swings started out at about 2 a year.


By the time I came off the last AD, I was a rapid cycler, sometimes switching 6 - 8 times a year. That's not "organic" bipolar - that's drug-induced bipolar. I believe that drug-induced bipolar is the most common form of this disorder.


As the prescribing rates go up, so do the rates of mental illness.


Longwalktofreedom, you may wish to read Robert Whitaker's "Anatomy of an Epidemic."


I was just on a thread discussing cultural differences in the way mental illness is treated and perceived. Here's an article I shared:


What a Shaman Sees in A Mental Hospital.


Are you bipolar or are you a shaman? Depends on who you ask.


I think you're in benzo withdrawal and you're going to be just fine.  ;)

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i haven't thought about myself when i went to the hospital in awhile. now that i think about it. i was on a lot of drugs and antidepressent oh and xanax. . maybe i just need to get to know myself off drugs. i have been on drugs. my whole life. i need to give myself a damn break. I'm just trying to figure everything out. sorry you guys. why i need to do is eat right and exercise. sometimes I'm to depressed to do that. i guess thats when i start thinking there is something wrong with me. I'm scared of freakin everything it seems to the points i don't even know what I'm scared of. lol i hope all this is withdrawal. i have never made it this far off drugs. just thought i would feel better by now. maybe this is what sober feels like. i guess ill find out.
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Like many folks on this forum, I also have the bipolar diagnosis. I've had it since 1985 when it was called manic depression.


I had depression as a kid and was placed on an AD. This led to mania. Pure mania. I thought I was G-d.


So I was told my depression was really manic depression, as AD's were (and still are) used as a diagnostic tool for "unmasking a mental illness that is already there." Umm...really?


So now we know about serotonin toxicity and serotonin syndrome, which can manifest as mania.


But for 30 years, every time I cycled into either depression or mania, my drugs were changed. This wasn't to "cure" or even "treat" the problem - all it did was make the condition chronic and create rapid cycling. Rapid cycling, by the way, is relatively new. My mood swings started out at about 2 a year.


By the time I came off the last AD, I was a rapid cycler, sometimes switching 6 - 8 times a year. That's not "organic" bipolar - that's drug-induced bipolar. I believe that drug-induced bipolar is the most common form of this disorder.


As the prescribing rates go up, so do the rates of mental illness.


Longwalktofreedom, you may wish to read Robert Whitaker's "Anatomy of an Epidemic."


I was just on a thread discussing cultural differences in the way mental illness is treated and perceived. Here's an article I shared:


What a Shaman Sees in A Mental Hospital.


Are you bipolar or are you a shaman? Depends on who you ask.


I think you're in benzo withdrawal and you're going to be just fine.  ;)


this is really interesting.  thank you.  :) :)

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Like many folks on this forum, I also have the bipolar diagnosis. I've had it since 1985 when it was called manic depression.


I had depression as a kid and was placed on an AD. This led to mania. Pure mania. I thought I was G-d.


So I was told my depression was really manic depression, as AD's were (and still are) used as a diagnostic tool for "unmasking a mental illness that is already there." Umm...really?


So now we know about serotonin toxicity and serotonin syndrome, which can manifest as mania.


But for 30 years, every time I cycled into either depression or mania, my drugs were changed. This wasn't to "cure" or even "treat" the problem - all it did was make the condition chronic and create rapid cycling. Rapid cycling, by the way, is relatively new. My mood swings started out at about 2 a year.


By the time I came off the last AD, I was a rapid cycler, sometimes switching 6 - 8 times a year. That's not "organic" bipolar - that's drug-induced bipolar. I believe that drug-induced bipolar is the most common form of this disorder.


As the prescribing rates go up, so do the rates of mental illness.


Longwalktofreedom, you may wish to read Robert Whitaker's "Anatomy of an Epidemic."


I was just on a thread discussing cultural differences in the way mental illness is treated and perceived. Here's an article I shared:


What a Shaman Sees in A Mental Hospital.


Are you bipolar or are you a shaman? Depends on who you ask.


I think you're in benzo withdrawal and you're going to be just fine.  ;)


in the past i would give people healings. i stopped because i didn't think i was grounded. i started feeling like those. people. i have been told i was empathic and a healer. it something i did as a kid to my animals too. i called it something else. i have been finding it really hard to tap into that side of me through this experience. i just can't connect i feel. i have had a lot of weird experience with what i chalked it up to be something spiritual experience. before i tried to kill myself at 18 i saw this dark shadow blob flying around my house plus more stuff. can't type it all. i just chalked it up to be being a wierdo. i had this white light hit me in the forehead like three times in a row.  it gave me this calmness feeling and i just put the covers over my head and went to sleep. this was when i was 20...... I'm probably going to regret typing all this. you guys are gonna think I'm crazy. thats not even all the stories. i would love to have those experiences again. well not the dark shadow one that one freaked me out.

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I just copied this link to another thread, but it's something you might find helpful here on this one, lwtf...




You are fine, you will be fine...you will find out who you really are at the end of all this and be able to help others on the path that is life in this world...


thanks cookienose. :)

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I don't think it's weird at all.

There are many highly sensitive people ending up on some med. it's hard when everything comes right into you and you can't filter.

I do believe in energies and being able to take on the energy of others .

And then try to shake that feeling.



I don't think it's nuts at all.

Besides, if it's what happened to you, it happened...


Try to get off spof your benzo safely and see what you can work with.

Many therapists works with sensitive people.



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I don't think it's weird at all.

There are many highly sensitive people ending up on some med. it's hard when everything comes right into you and you can't filter.

I do believe in energies and being able to take on the energy of others .

And then try to shake that feeling.



I don't think it's nuts at all.

Besides, if it's what happened to you, it happened...


Try to get off spof your benzo safely and see what you can work with.

Many therapists works with sensitive people.




im gonna stay med free no matter what.  even though i don't feel good right now. I'm so glad I'm off drugs and i don't even drink.......ill smoke to sleep sometimes but thats it......i used to  believe in all energy transfers and that kind of thinking. now i dont know what i believe in. its just cuz I'm going through all this. eventually i want to get back in to my reiki. thats when i was the happiest in life. i just can't wait to shake this depression and anxiety. have you had any experiences with all this?

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Do you mean anxiety and depression or reiki or what?

Yes, to all three, by the way.


I'm planning to stay med free as well.

I will never pop another scripted pill without research ever again.

Never was big on meds anyway. But this is nuts.


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I was diagnosed as bi- polar2 before benzos,I did have all the classic symptoms, than I had a breakdown and they put me on all these effed up anti- psychotic meds, which I ditched but for some reason keeping the damn valium for sleep I didnt, go figure. 
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