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Antibiotics that are okay?


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Hi everyone, I know that we're supposed to avoid fluoroquinolones (sure I'm spelling that wrong), but are there any antibiotics that people have discovered to be most benign to our withdrawal-afflicted systems?  I know we're all different, though.  Are there any other types of antibiotics to specifically avoid?  I've got a cold and I can feel that it moved into my lungs, so I want to be prepared in case I have to go to the doctor and get a prescription.  Thank you!
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Amoxicilline here too, no problems.

Have read of others not tolerate it. As well.

It's very personal I guess.


And I also think that, when one takes an antibiotic: is it the med or a wave that was bound to happen any way...?


Good luck.

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Just make sure the antibiotic does not also interfere with any non Benzo you might be taking.

Don't see any other drug in your signature.


Specific antibiotics should be avoided with Lamictal and some other mood stabilizers.



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