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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Help ME, Rhonda. Help, Help Me, Rhonda


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Coming close to the end of my taper I hope. When is it time to hop off of Clonazepam???? Failed rapid detox in June, Psych ward admission in July for suicidal ideation after detox. Was on .5 3x daily for 3 years. Now I am at .125 twice a day and going down and still sleeping. Still having feelings I will never be "normal" again. When do I hop off????? Advice please... I was thinking .025...equivalent to .5 valium. Thanks all.


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Coming close to the end of my taper I hope. When is it time to hop off of Clonazepam???? Failed rapid detox in June, Psych ward admission in July for suicidal ideation after detox. Was on .5 3x daily for 3 years. Now I am at .125 twice a day and going down and still sleeping. Still having feelings I will never be "normal" again. When do I hop off????? Advice please... I was thinking .025...equivalent to .5 valium. Thanks all.



hey there,

i think 0,025 mg its perfect,,,,


i will jump from 0,015 mg klonopin.....


of cause you will be Normal....


take care


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I wish I could help, but someone who has done this will come along and help soon.  I just wanted to read this post because the title captivated me.  Beach Boys fan?



P.S.  Yes, you will be normal again.  It just may take longer than you expect.

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I jumped at .0625 mg of Klonopin and have lived to tell the tale.


Yes, you will feel "normal" again. And probably even better than normal.  ;)



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There is no Rhonda right now. My gf bailed on me when detox failed. I lost my job after the psych ward in july. Good times. Benzo withdrawal took 52 lbs off of me though. I think another month and I will make the jump.
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Hi Triumph! You are going to heal! You are going to be normal! I am plannig to jump at 0.03, Congratulations! You are going to be free of benzos by next month!!! :)
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There is no Rhonda right now. My gf bailed on me when detox failed. I lost my job after the psych ward in july. Good times. Benzo withdrawal took 52 lbs off of me though. I think another month and I will make the jump.


Some gf. You're better off without her....By New Year's, you will be benzo free!  :thumbsup: I wish I could lose some weight. Instead, I gain more and more of it while still on a diet.

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Still fighting the worry of being well again. I used to go to concerts, large events with no worries. Now that terrifies me. Not sure why that changed.
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