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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Ambien/Xanax withdrawal/ introduction


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Hi everyone.  I'm so glad to have found this site because I feel very alone and afraid.  I am in shock at the number of doctors that have no idea that benzo. withdrawal is even a real thing. 


I have taken Ambien 10mg and Xanax 0.5-1mg everyday for the last 7 years, except for a period of about 3 months last year that I replaced the Ambien with Trazodone 75 and Flexeril 20.  I still continued to take the Xanax.  I went back on to the Ambien because the restless leg syndrome was getting to be to much even with the Xanax.  I didn't really notice any acute withdrawal symptoms from the Ambien except depression and anxiety, which I didn't realize at the time were even withdrawal symptoms, I thought they were from my fibromyalgia. 


I quit the Ambien and the Xanax without tapering (I had no idea it was necessary, I thought these drugs were completely safe) about 13 days ago to start Xyrem for my narcolepsy.  These are the symptoms I have been feeling confusion, anxiousness, panic attacks, tingling in head, both arms, and feet, numbness in hands, cold/hot flashes, flushing (all over randomly), tremors, chest pain, loss of appetite, gastrointestinal issues, depression, dizziness, weakness, hallucinations, sweating, shortness of breath, palpitations, diarrhea, ringing in ears, visions of lights flashing, general feeling of unease, "Matrix" feeling (sorry that's the only way I can describe it) like the world is moving and I'm not, or vise versa, intense heat on the back of head neck and arms, shivering from cold, feeling like I'm moving up and down, like motion. 


I went to the ER 3 days ago because I felt like I was having a heart attack, I got sent home with a prescription for Vistaril and told I was having a panic attack.  2 days ago I quit the Xyrem and went back on the Ambien 10mg and took a Xanax 0.25.  I felt better yesterday, just dealing with the anxiety, depression, and fatigue.  Last night I took just the Xanax .25 because I was scared to take the Ambien, and 1mg melatonin.  I'm doing ok today just very depressed and anxious. I know by tonight I will not be doing well at all. 


I don't know what to do from here.  A person on the Narcoleptic forum sent me information on benzo withdrawal and I have come across the Ashton manual which has helped so much to help me see where I might need to go from here.  I'm very afraid because it seems like doctors don't know anything about this and I'm afraid to trust the one that would actually put me on these poisons and let me stay on them for 7 years with no warning what so ever.  One ER doctor actually told me there was no way this could be withdrawal from Xanax because it would have metabolized out by now. 


I think I should try to get on 10 mg diazepam (or less???) and taper off.  I have a schedule.  I think 5 months might do it, but I'm not sure since I have been on them such a long time.  I just don't know where to go or who to see and there is still 3 long days left on this weekend.


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Hi Sandee  :) Welcome to BenzoBuddies!


As you found out stopping benzodiazepines too suddenly can cause some pretty horrible symptoms. The recommended reduction rate for long term use is 5 to 10 percent every two weeks. One can always adjust from there.


You might like to check out The Ashton Manual it is an authoritative source on what to expect in withdrawal and recovery.  Dr. Ashton is an expert in the field. 


Please feel free to post to any of the dedicated boards, we have a wonderful community of people here, who will give sound advice. Members have been through all aspects of benzodiazepine use and withdrawal and are more than willing to share their experiences.


General Taper Plans



Please take the time to Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Again Welcome!  :smitten:




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Hi Sandee


I just wanted to stop by and say welcome.  I read your list of symptoms and believe me , I have had and am having at times every single one.  I also have tapered off xanax and yes it can be done but slow and steady is better. There are very knowledgeable bb's here who really are so supportive and can help you. Take your time.  :thumbsup:

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Hello Sandee,


I too would like to welcome you to the forum  :)


I'm so sorry to hear about the cold turkey experience, cold turkey after long term benzo use is never a good idea and some nasty symptoms can result as sadly you experienced yourself. I think you were wise to reinstate the xanax with the view to tapering off slowly, you'll be given plenty of support and tapering assistance here.


If you decide to go ahead with crossing over to diazepam from the xanax, the diazepam eqivalent of 1 mg of xanax is 20 mgs so 0.5mgs of xanax would be 10 mgs of diazepam and a gradual crossover is advised to allow time for the diazepam to build up in the bloodstream before the xanax is completely withdrawn. However, it isn't essential to crossover to diazepam for tapering purposes, many members here taper successfully directly from the xanax. It sounds like you may not be dosing consistently, it might be an idea to make a point of taking the same dosage of the xanax every day to ensure that the blood benzo level is kept as smooth as possible, this makes for a smoother taper.


Ambien is a Z drug which works via benzo receptors in the same way as a benzo works and it should be tapered in the same manner as a benzo. For questions relating to the Ambien you can post on The Other Medications board, here is a link to it, it is normally recommended to taper from one drug at a time beginning with the benzodiazepine which in your case is the xanax :






I'm glad you found us and I wish you success with the taper.



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Hi Debbie, thanks for the reply.  I'm finally getting in to see my doctor tomorrow.  I'm feeling better since I've been back on the Xanax.  Still having withdrawals in the afternoon and evenings but I'm scared to take the other doses. I am getting a lot of great info to take to the doc, thank you.


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Hi again Sandee and thank you for the update.


You're welcome for the reply and thats good news that you are feeling better. You could copy the relevant pages from The Ashton Manual to show to your doctor, there is a withdrawal schedue in there for xanax with diazepam substitution, chapter 2. Good luck with the doctor's appointment  :thumbsup:



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Sandee, read the Ashton manual, it may be best to c/o to valium and taper off. I CT from ambien 8 months ago and have suffered all of the sxs you have described, physical and mental. Do not CT. Ambien is a z-drug and works on the same gaba receptors as benzos, and ambien WDs are similiar to benzos WDs. Doctors usually do not recognize ambien WDs.


We are here to support you. You will be OK, time will heal you.


always, cindy



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