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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Withdrawal or Lyme?


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I posted before about this, I feel like I'm loosing my mind  :-X. I got a igenex test in July for lyme, it came back IND which means indeterminate. I can't find one single doctor to help me out with this, I am in eastern New-Brunswick and nobody around here knows anything. I defiantly can't fly to the States to get a real opinion. I m broke. I feel like I don't know what I'm dealing with since they have the same symptoms. Can anybody here read IGM western blot test.? Help
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i'm in nova scotia and i was tested for lyme and had the test sent to the CA. USA and i don't have lyme and i felt like i was going insane many times.. it cost me 1,700.$ to send it away.. i'd say it's w/d
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that's when all this started for me, i went to spain and was bitten many times the night befroe we came home and got very sick with a virus when i got home... got upset while waitng for test results ended up on benzos and now still in w/d.. i think i had every test done known to man and still no answers so i guess it's w/d. and to top it all off i took progesterone in my 5th month of w/d and c/t that and i think it sent be back again ugh!!!
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there is a place in sakville ns that does the test and sends them away.. that's where i got mine done.. they are better then the test that canada offers.

maybe your health coverage will cover the cost.


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  • 2 months later...
I really can't help you with reading the results, etc and sadly, on a benzo board, I doubt most of these people would know about lyme.  My suggestion would be to do a google search on lymenet and you will get a wealth of information over there.  Then again, they won't know as much about benzo withdrawal, so there is purpose for both of these two very well done forums.  Good luck to you.
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