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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Suddenly feel really depressed


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I've been tapering since June and thought was doing reasonably well. Suddenly this week I feel really depressed.  I'm not sure if it's withdrawal or something else. I haven't felt depressed before since I started tapering. I do suffer winter depression but never this bad. There is nothing stressful going on in my life, in fact things are going rather well after having a lot of worry until a few weeks ago.


I was doing really well with my taper. Then in October my docotr wanted me to cross over from Lorazepam to Diazepam. I started substituting a quarter of my dose and began to get many more migraines. I gave it 3 weeks with no improvement then Dr and I agreed to go back to Lorazepam. At first the migraines eased off but now are a bit more frequent but nothing like when I was on Diazepam.


I  gave myself 2 weeks to stabilize then did another cut a week and a half ago. At first just got the usual withdrawal symptoms which were beginning to ease when I got a really bad migraine over last weekend. On Monday I woke without migraine but really depressed and have been like that ever since. I just tested myself online and scored in the moderate to severe depression section. This just isn't me. Apart from times when you would expect it like when my dad died I don't get depressed.


Has anyone else experienced this suddenly during taper after doing well for several months? or is it just coincidence.


I have to see my doctor about another matter on Monday, well, 2 other matters, both fairly urgent and I don't want to throw too much at her during one appointment. She is not the GP I see about my taper as I needed to see a woman for this.


Not sure what to do. Do I give it a bit longer? I don't feel suicidal or anything like that, just like I want to go to bed and curl up and watch TV or read all day, can't concentrate or make simple decisions, feel really tired and generally low.


Bella  :(

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Depression hit me like a sledge hammer when I got down to 1mg of diazepam, I did have high anxiety for about a month previous tho I thought I could ride the anxiety out but obviously I could nt. I would say if you were not previously affected by deppression then it is the withdrawl if you can still see hope at the end of the tunnel be wary of anti depressants as this will pass when your off the benzo. I'd say try and get some sun but if your in the uk like me you ll know that's not easy. Take care x
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Thanks tattyapple. I did find I was very edgy for the first couple of days this week. I was snapping at everyone, even shouting at the cat to stop nagging! Now I seem to have just slipped into this depression.


I think it's withdrawal making my usual winter depression much worse. I usually just get it in the mornings for an hour or two and not this bad. Some sun would be great. There's been nothing but thick cloud all week here. Hoping to go out to a Christmas market tomorrow. I will try to make myself as I might feel better when I get there.


Bella x

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Foggy up north today :( yes I'm much worse in the morning can't seem to get going till late afternoon and sometimes feel so normal at night I'm convinced I will wake in the morning back to my old self but it never happens.. Yes get to the Christmas market it will do you good and you can always leave if you feel bad.. Enjoy x
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