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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Help needed major problem with current taper


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Possible serious withdrawal symptom from taper. Oct 15th 2014 MD started me 0.5mg of clonazepam 1 x per night for sleep. He said I could take either the 0.5mg or try cutting the tablet in half to 0.25mg. 


By Nov 1st I realized I wanted off this medication however He said give it time via trial and error. I was still not satisfied to I started wean off of it on Nov 12th. By Nov 19th He had Me down to 0.25mg however the following day Nov 20th  I had an EEG test done so He told Me to take a whole tab which is 0.5mg then told Me to go back to 0.25mg the following day and cut that dose in half on Nov 26th which i also did on Nov 27th.


I noticed that on Nov 23 I started to have this globus sensation " lump in throat feeling " in lower throat . Each day it got worse and by today the 27th I could barely swollow My food . Pain soreness and a tight contsricting feeling in My throat which seem to be getting worse.


This is My first experience with benzos and I followed My MDs advice . After reading other post and reading through the Ashton manual I realize this may be caused by My tapering too quickly or I may be developing some type of allergic reaction to this medication. Night time is approaching again as I type this message and I confess Im scared to death this is gonna get worse and I wont be able to swallow at all or worse than My airway will be affected.


I considered going back up to the original dose and follow a slow taper however if this is being caused by an allergic reaction from the med I will be in bigger trouble. Im stuck between a rock and a hard place. Both the MD and the pharmacist played down the taper due to what they call low dose short time on the medication I strongly dissagree . During this entire time I did not suffer any other withdrawal symptoms except in My digestive track especially My stomach.Your opinions would be appreciated.


0ct 15th 0.5mg 1 x per day

Nov 1st  via MD cut down to 0.25mg

Nov 12th  0.5mg one night

Nov 13th  0.25mg via MD

Nov  20th  0.5mg  via MD due to EEG test that day.

Nov  21st  0.25 mg  MD said to cut back down to this dose than just stop taking it Nov 29th.

Nov  23rd  0.25mg  started to have lump in the throat sensation

Nov  24th  0.25mg    Globus sensation in throat getting worse making it hard to swallow food.

Nov  25th  0.25mg    I called the MDs office and informed of situation told not to worry about it the sensation would go away once Im off the medication.

Nov  27th  0.25mg  Globus sensation is now really bad and extremely difficult to swallow " was only able to swallow a small amount of soft food . Pain now on both sides of My throat when trying to swallow. As evening approaches its even painfull to swallow liquid. 



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I'm sorry to hear how clueless your doc and pharmacist are, but not surprised. And very sorry to hear you are feeling so poorly with swallowing.


Benzos withdrawal often effects the stomach and it is not unheard of to have globus sensation win the throat. Or difficulty swallowing food. I have had this.


In my opinion, as uncomfortable and scary as this is, I doubt it is an allergic reaction


That said, if your tongue is swollen or your throat is actually constricted, and you have breathing difficulty—any of these things—then you will would want to visit ER.


Some, but not all withdrawal symptoms can be minimized with small reductions (cuts) in dosage, and slow time between making them (hence, taper). To do any different is to actively make jarring physical, psychological and emotional jumps. Your cut was big, 50%. No doubt you are feeling the effects of this. If you are going to make it off clonazapem, you're going to have to choose the way your body can tolerate. Obviously, following doctors orders to a T is not working.


I'm no doctor and what follows is not medical advice. You might consider up dosing, holding till you feel better, 7-10 days perhaps, and starting a real taper of 5-10%.



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Hi BennieJets  its now 6am est and  I had a major crash around 1am. Withdrawal symptoms hitting hard especially digestive track. Caused My GURD to act up . I called the psych hosp er and spoke to an MD. She told Me to up dose . Rememeber I originally started oct 15th @ 0.5mg.


My last dose was slightly below 0.25mg. However I had to take a 0.5mg on nov 11th due to a medical test.  I did come down to quick in dose from Nov 11th.


The problem I have now is I dont want dose to go up too before starting my taper over. 0.5 or 0.25mg.  Opinions would be appreciated.

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Follow up question from My original post at top of page.  Bottom line Im new to this and followed My Medical peoples advice whom all said I would not have a problem getting off this med. They were wrong and Im going through a most difficult time. Only started Oct 15th however cut down to fast since Nov 20th in which I took 0.5mg then cut each day to less than 0.25mg yesterday and Im having terrible WD symptoms.


Can anyone suggest a taper schedule for Me as I start over. Also do I have to go back to My original 0.5mg dose or should I go back up to 0.25mg then taper down from that point.  I cant even swallow food and just able swallow liquid.  Your help is needed . thanks Danny


PS I know some folks can come off short term low dose benzos however Im not one of them which I found out rathre quickly.

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I'd put it back and get yourself feeling good.  It hasn't been that long so it should work.


Then from there, if it were me, I'd liquify my dose and then begin a symptom-based daily taper.  I'd find what cut I could handle and stay within that.

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