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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

I need you BBs! I made a stupid and Big mistake!


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Hi everyone! Instead of taking 0.6875 mg Rivotril, the last 2 nights I took only 0.1875!

I am taking one complete 0.5 mg tablet plus a weighted piece of 0.1875, well I forgot to take the complete 0.5 mg pill.

I had extremely high anxiety the last 2 nights, it was worse last night and I did not sleep at all, extreme anguish as well and chest and head pressure. Before waking up I took 150 mg Trileptal, which I used to take to stop brain zaps, electricity. I was not taking it anymore.

I realized what I had done after getting out of the shower this morning. I drove work and as soon as I arrived, 8:30 AM aprox, I took half a pill, 0.25 mg...I am scared of driving after taking Rivotril.

My question is the following, tonight I take the whole dose of 0.6875 yeah? Feeling not that bad the rest of the day, not too much work done but feeling much better.

Did I do Ok when taking half a pill this morning? I was extremely anxious, looking like zombie, then,  after taking 0.25 mg felt much better.  :-X

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you will be ok. It sound like taking the .25 dose put you back on track. You are not the first nor will you be the last to make an error. Glad you are feeling better. :smitten:
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Thank you Benzos-R-cruel!, then I continue my taper as if nothing happened...you are right, I will be Ok! :)


Yes do so. If it were me, I would have taken the .5 mg, instead of .25 mg.

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