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Tiredness when sleep returns?


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Hi all,


Im into this ct for 13 weeks now. Most nights I sleep but not enough hours and bad quality. Waking up during the night and still nights with now sleep. But my question is, have others in this phase expierenced debilitating fatigue en feeling sedated during the days? Feel like I can sleep for days but cant so stuggle being so tired and sleepy trough all days.



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When I did my C/T off a huge amount of Xanax, I didn't eat or sleep at all for six weeks. I lost quite a bit of weight. And felt worse than s**t. I eventually reinstated and while I did a taper, I would sleep for nine hours and still felt so tired I could not get off of bed until 1 p.m I think I had chronic fatigue. I felt like cement invaded my entire body. Lucky for me it went away after a week. If it still remained I would have checked myself into a psych ward; that's how bad it was.
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Hi, I couldn't sleep for 3-4 weeks after jump. When sleep returned I was hit with crashing fatigue, and I felt hangover all day everyday ("poisoned" and extremely tired feeling) for 3 months. Sleep was never deep and restful. Now I can't sleep again, but I'm less tired than I was when I slept 6-9 hours a day :idiot:
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All a part of coming off the benzos.  I had the same experience.  Nothing worse than trying to function during the day after no sleep.  I had periods where this lasted 4 to 5 days straight.  I pushed through it one day at a time.  Now at 16 months I find being off all drugs makes a huge difference.  No hung over feeling...and that's after as little as 4 to 5 hours per nights.  No doubt the quality of sleep is much better.  I am still hoping I can eventually get to 6 hours per night.  That would be ideal for me. 


Take it one day at a time...as soon as you cut all meds things will gradually start to improve for you.  Have to be very tolerant through the process. Not easy but you can do it.

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