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Extremely anxious, no sleep, need support


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Hi, sorry to post yet again, people have given me some good advise but I am getting worse. Down to .8 V as you can see from my signature, holding as things are getting worse than they were before. Very anxious, all day, during the whole taper I have had anxiety and some bone crushing at times, but sometimes it would abate after lunch or late in the afternoon, and always by 7 to 8:30 pm I would feel about 50-70% normal. Also I could usually fall asleep ok but wake at 3AM  with some kind of cortisol reaction revving me up(4-5 hours sleep only for the past year). I have been taking seriphos for a couple months and the cortisol thing seems better, although after getting under 2mg I started having trouble falling asleep also. Now it is really bad and I may only get any sleep one night in three, or after a couple nights with no sleep get a few nights in a row of very broken ( up every hour or hour and a half) sleep maybe 4 to 6 hrs.

The anxiety and depression is constant now, doesn't let up even at night, and I am really getting weak and feel like I can't make it. What do I do? I don't want to updose, I am holding. I have been using gaba, l-theanine, taurine and melatonin to try to get some sleep, they work sometimes, other times, who knows. I am so disapointed cause I was feeling better and better down to about 4 mg and I thought I would be finished with the taper by now.  Help!

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Hi and Happy Thanksgiving:


Sometimes when you get down to a low dose, your symptoms start getting bad. I'm sorry you are feeling this way but lack of sleep is a major culprit. Also anxiety and depression are right there as well. You are so close to jumping at this point that personally, I would never even consider updosing. If it were me, I would continue to hold until things get a bit better for you, then I'd resume my taper. Sometimes things don't get any better and in the end, the only realistic and doable thing to do is get rid of the .8 mg, suffer through it, and soon you'll be benzo free. Then the real healing will happen. I wish you the bets of luck. PM me if you feel like it. hugs, Bets



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thanks Benzogirl, I was afraid that was the most likely choice. Do you or anyone think that the sleep supplements have anything to do with it?
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thanks Benzogirl, I was afraid that was the most likely choice. Do you or anyone think that the sleep supplements have anything to do with it?


Have anything to do with what? ???

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Have anything to do with the wd symptoms getting worse. Or has anyone had experience with gaba, l-theanine, melatonin or taurine making there wd worse instead of helping?
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I have never tried any of those sleep aids but when I asked my dr about melatonin she did say it could interfere with my taper...I can't remember her reasoning but she is a psychiatrist/neurologist so supposedly she knows her stuff.  Have you ever tried Benadryl? An over the counter anti-histamine?  I use it when I think it's going to be a tough night and it works for me. Check with your doc though, as it may have other side effects or interact with other medications you may be taking.  Wishing you peaceful nights....
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I have a problem with antihistamines, I have BPH and have to be very careful as  they make it much worse. I have tried unisom and felt like crap the next day, and the second day I tried it (half tab) I woke up  with a horribly painful spasm in my peritoneal area, thought it was my prostate but more likely anal, scared the hell out of me, and took about a half hour to dissipate. So unfortunately can't use them.
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So sorry! :(  My husband has the same thing....that's why I thought to at least ask you to check with your doctor. But you knew already....Maybe ask about Melatonin...I still don't recall what the issue was with Melatonin and tapering off benzos but there was one....maybe ask your doc or maybe you know.

Best to you for a good night's sleep....so important.

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Think about Vitamin E.  I am taking 400 mg and it gives me deep sleep.  I have vivid dreams and it indicates that I have deep sleep.


I do not know what dosage to take, I was not able to look around for lower dosage so I took 400 mg.  The maximum limit is 1000 mg per day.


I am still in a roller coaster ride of my tapering.  I had panic attack today.  But I have enough sleep. 


I hope you can exhaust all possible ways to get restful sleep.


Please keep updating your post.

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Thanks everyone, I am getting a few hrs and sometimes nothing, biggest problem right now is depression and anxiety. Vit E, that's interesting, I take it twice a week 400mg and a little in a multi daily. Never thought of vit e as helping sleep, but worth a try!
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