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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Where I am at 14 months


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Where I am at 14 months.


Still have a good bit of symptoms. Insomnia is just uuuuuugh!!!!!

Most of them are muscular and bone related, or sleep.

A lot of the time I feel crazy feelings I haven't felt in years, I mean like highschool years (I'm 23)


Still certainly couldn't get on with life yet. Sleep about 8hours a night. Symptoms are in left leg, torso and arms. Right lg seems pretty stable..


Acne/dry skin. I still am having it rough, but last September was soooo freaking terrible. I'm still extremely afraid when I look back at that time. Maybe i'm kind of close? Idk.  Just light years away from 14 months ago but still doing rough. There's hope guys. What a truly sinister experience that I will never forget or forgive the doctor/big pharma for. I wish so bad I could feed them these pills for years and throw them into a severe cold turkey.

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I'm 14 months out too. Like you I still have some sx  that really irritate me, but overall I'm doing so much better! Last year I was still a mess, and never would I have thought it would take sooo long.. I agree big pharma should have to take these pills and then get thrown into c/t.
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Where I am at 14 months.


Still have a good bit of symptoms. Insomnia is just uuuuuugh!!!!!

Most of them are muscular and bone related, or sleep.

A lot of the time I feel crazy feelings I haven't felt in years, I mean like highschool years (I'm 23)


Still certainly couldn't get on with life yet. Sleep about 8hours a night. Symptoms are in left leg, torso and arms. Right lg seems pretty stable..


Acne/dry skin. I still am having it rough, but last September was soooo freaking terrible. I'm still extremely afraid when I look back at that time. Maybe i'm kind of close? Idk.  Just light years away from 14 months ago but still doing rough. There's hope guys. What a truly sinister experience that I will never forget or forgive the doctor/big pharma for. I wish so bad I could feed them these pills for years and throw them into a severe cold turkey.


Better yet. Give them a combo of about 6 benzos, and then do a C/T.

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Where I am at 14 months.


Still have a good bit of symptoms. Insomnia is just uuuuuugh!!!!!

Most of them are muscular and bone related, or sleep.

A lot of the time I feel crazy feelings I haven't felt in years, I mean like highschool years (I'm 23)


Still certainly couldn't get on with life yet. Sleep about 8hours a night. Symptoms are in left leg, torso and arms. Right lg seems pretty stable..


Acne/dry skin. I still am having it rough, but last September was soooo freaking terrible. I'm still extremely afraid when I look back at that time. Maybe i'm kind of close? Idk.  Just light years away from 14 months ago but still doing rough. There's hope guys. What a truly sinister experience that I will never forget or forgive the doctor/big pharma for. I wish so bad I could feed them these pills for years and throw them into a severe cold turkey.


Glad you're doing better. What sx did u have in September?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Severe nerve pain and do/Dr, I had this terrible feeling like lightning was coursing through the top of my body to my feet, my teeth felt loose, had a seizure, teeth feel like jackhammers sometimes, intense fear, nasuea that was made worse by the sun, light/sound sensitivities, white clumpy stool, my muscles felt like water, I told people I was retarded, hypervigilance, sleeping 15 minutes a night, constant akathesia, hair fell out, visual disturbances, auditory and visual hallucinations, darkened and intrusive thoughts, felt like I was taking through the floor (like when you drink way too much alcohol) just a truly nightmarish experience. Dry retching, I really have no idea how I survived that first 6-12 months. It was weird cause it was only after a full year I started seeing any real progress. How was the beginning of your WD?
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I was a lot better in the beginning than I am now. I'm having most of what u wrote at 15 months out. These last 3 weeks have been worse than acute for me. I haven't had a seizure but I have felt like I was going to several times now. It's like I just started acute withdrawal. Oh well glad you're doing better.
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