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Depersonalization/Derealization and bad eyesight anyone?


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I have this software that I might be able to share. It's kind of risky working out your eyes if you don't know what your doing, but whenever I do and stay on it, my eyesight (which I feel is a big prt of derealization) gets a lot better.
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My eyes have felt cross-eyed during the worst waves.


I was just going to type this till i read your reply!!  Mine starts to tighten and feel cross eyed.  If i'm speaking to someone, i start to blink real hard to sooth it and they most likely think i am nuts.  I use to have this during regular anxiety, however i was always able to rid of it by looking in another direction. Ohhh noo not in benzo withdrawal.  Now im a total spaz during it.

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My eyes have felt cross-eyed during the worst waves.


I was just going to type this till i read your reply!!  Mine starts to tighten and feel cross eyed.  If i'm speaking to someone, i start to blink real hard to sooth it and they most likely think i am nuts.  I use to have this during regular anxiety, however i was always able to rid of it by looking in another direction. Ohhh noo not in benzo withdrawal.  Now im a total spaz during it.


Hmm.. Funny my last name is Castillo too.

Yeah I'm constantly thinking about my eyes.. Like looking through individual eyes.. Left or right eye not working, double vision.. Or it feels like my eyes are spreading apart..

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Hmm.. Funny my last name is Castillo too.

Yeah I'm constantly thinking about my eyes.. Like looking through individual eyes.. Left or right eye not working, double vision.. Or it feels like my eyes are spreading apart..


Small world!!!  Same names and same eye problems.  Its a sign!! Lol

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My eyes have been so screwed up that I finally went to the eye doctor. He did all kinds of tests and said the only thing wrong is my eyes were going out from old age. This has only started after a year of withdrawal. He told me it could be from withdrawal and recommended glasses. I got the glasses and my right eye doesn't hurt as long as I wear them. My vision isn't blurry anymore unless I take them off. My right eye doesn't get lazy either. My eyes still feel like they try to move on their own but it's much better with glasses. I'm nearsighted. Always had better than 20/20 vision till this last year. Won't hurt to see the eye doctor.
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