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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Jumped too soon...


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I'm so sorry, please don't think that I am weak, but I may have jumped too soon. I am 8 days off and I can't function. I haven't slept well for the last 3 nights. I had some good days and nights, but now I'm in tears. I can't focus, I'm jittery and paranoid. I called my doctor to see if he could call in script for "the beast," Clonazepam. I'm thinking that I'm going to get off the ledge and then take it as needed. In other words, I'll see how many days I can function properly without it and then take .25 or less. Does that sound okay? Anyone? I so desperately want this to be over!


I know that there are others who are far worse off than myself.


Also, is it okay to switch to Diazepam or will that cause more harm? I want to switch, because it doesn't stay in the system as long as Clonazepam.


I am such a mess. :idiot:


Be well.

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It would help others be able to help you if you do a signature so that we may know what you were on, how much daily, etc.  (Go to your Profile to do this.)


Taking it on an as-needed basis is probably not a good idea. Better to get on a set daily dose, so that you don't suffer interpose w/d.  Then once you get stable, you can taper from there.


Yes, you could switch to Diazepam, but Clonazepam has a long half life itself.


This is all only my opinion.

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Thank you and I'm sorry... I haven't taken the time to do some things because I can't focus and my memory is flawed at this point.  However, what I tapered down to before I jumped was: .25 of Clonazepam per day. It seemed to be just enough and I didn't even need it every day ( half life). I am going to start Diazepam. I will quarter a 1 mg tab and see how I do. I was taking Diazepam and doing fine at the same dose to help me sleep, with no wretched side effects. I have always been able to take Valium as needed and not be on it for extended periods of time. My then doctor switched me to Clonazepam and here I am.


I will look into the signature portion of my profile.


Thank You for your help.

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I would stay on clonazepam, you have tapered from it so you know what to expect. This time, don't jump so soon!! Get down to at least .0625mg and see how you feel at that dose for a couple of weeks. Then, consider cutting that in half for 2 more weeks. Take it sloooowwww on the tail end, it will be much easier for you to adjust without a benzo.


AND... Diazepam has a much longer half life, guessing it is 10x that of clonazepam so it stays in your system much longer!!!


All the best  :)


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Disney and Ruger -


Thank you. Everyone is very helpful and supportive.


I thought it was the opposite way around: Clonozepam having the longer half life (?). I now have Diazepam. I'll have to make it work.


I can tell my Dr. is losing his patience with me. :(

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I jumped too soon from .5 mgs of Diazepam & reinstated.  I just couldn't take it anymore.  This time I will cut only 10% all the way down to .1 mg.  I bought a .001 mg scale online for $30 & it is accurate as heck.  I'll use that for weighing my dry cuts.


Notice from my signature how long it took me to get back to jumping again after reinstating so I wish I wouldn't have jumped so soon that time. 


Anyway, from reading success stories I noticed that keeping the cuts around 10% all the way down to basically zero is the key.

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Or you could keep your cuts below 10%.  Just depends on how you feel.


If you can handle the 10%, that's great!


I don't think I could do full 10% cuts.


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I'm so sorry, please don't think that I am weak, but I may have jumped too soon. I am 8 days off and I can't function. I haven't slept well for the last 3 nights. I had some good days and nights, but now I'm in tears. I can't focus, I'm jittery and paranoid. I called my doctor to see if he could call in script for "the beast," Clonazepam. I'm thinking that I'm going to get off the ledge and then take it as needed. In other words, I'll see how many days I can function properly without it and then take .25 or less. Does that sound okay? Anyone? I so desperately want this to be over!


I know that there are others who are far worse off than myself.


Also, is it okay to switch to Diazepam or will that cause more harm? I want to switch, because it doesn't stay in the system as long as Clonazepam.


I am such a mess. :idiot:


Be well.




Valium has a half life up to 100 hours, while Clonazepam has a half life of 30-40 hours. I checked with the pharma who makes both.

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"Valium has a half life up to 100 hours, while Clonazepam has a half life of 30-40 hours. I checked with the pharma who makes both."


Thank you for verifying this for me. :)

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