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Clanazepam taper schedule


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Not sure if this is where I'm supposed to request taper schedule. .05 clanazepam  once per day. One 0.5 mg tablet. 100 ml of water to begin 12/09/2014. Thank you.
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Well, there are various choices, but if I was going to taper from .5mg K I would probably put the .5mg pill into 50ml whole milk.  I'd dose this way for at least a week without any cutting to allow my body to get used to it.


In the meantime I'd gather my equipment: 1ml and 10ml oral syringes and enough sealed dose jars to cover all my doses.


I'd mix it the night before to give it plenty of time to dissolve and I'd shake and stir every so often.


When it came time to cut I'd begin cautiously by removing .0015mg (.15ml) a day and I'd do this for at least two full weeks before considering a bigger cut.  I'd hold whenever needed, but on this cut I wouldn't expect to need to hold.

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A benzo taper should never be scheduled.  You need to reduce or hold based on how you feel and keep yourself feeling good.


However, to give you an idea, if you reduced at this rate every day it would take 11 months.  But I will point out this is just a starting point and you likely would be able to cut faster than this for a while then probably at the end you would need to slow it way down.  So you can see it is very difficult to predict how long it will take.

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I just wanted to say I put .5 mg of Klonopin into 80 ml. Also, you should leave your pill in the milk for 24 hours. Shorter if you have to.

At my concentration, .5  into 80 you have .000625 mg of K in every ml.

So one tenth contains .000625 then:

.2 ml = 2x .000625 mg of k =. 00125.


Common cuts of K are .4, .6 and some people can do .005 but not many.


.4 is .0025 mg. 

This is just the way I do it. Make sure it's 8 grams of fat in the milk.

Oh, and shake it whenever you open the fridge.


Also, no ultra pasteurized milk. Regular whole milk. I use organic.


You can start low and keep moving up until you feel symptoms.



Good luck



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Shouldn't that be mahalo? I am from Hawaii, love the name you chose.


SG is a master jedi at this stuff & has helped me tremendously  :thumbsup:


Good luck with your taper, this is a great place.  There is also a Klonopin support group that has been

invaluable to me as well.


Ninj  :smitten:

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