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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

How do you determine when to start cutting again?


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Let's just say, I'm chomping at the bit to start this cut again. BUT, I'm not sure exactly what to make of my situation.


The past few weeks, I've been having symptoms that are intolerable... mostly following my daily doses of Valium. All the symptoms you'd imagine if you were in benzo hell.


I would say that I've been improving as time has been passing day by day, but then I get slammed during the day like no other at random times.


Is there any barometer that you all use to measure when you're ready to cut again? Because I'm having side effects from the medication/tolerance, I don't want to sit around wasting time when I could be cutting....


I'm just so unsure of everything at the moment.


Also, not sure if I should keep dry cutting or micro-cutting. Either way, I don't want to think myself into a 6 month hold.


Thanks Guys.

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Yes indeed I am in the same boat as you and I am wondering whether to make a cut.

In the last 3 months I have come off Xanax and crossed over to Valium. I know what you mean by intolerable symptoms. Horrendous withdrawal ( all as per a doctor's instructions ).  Safe to say, I wont get fooled again !!!


Im sure someone will stop by soon to give some sound advice and you will feel better and less unsure about this.


Wishing you well.

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Hi BBs! I am not an expert on this. But I can tell you what I am doing. I am feeling better cutting 0.0625 mg every 2 weeks or so. My worse withdrawal sympthoms occur from the 4 to the 7th days after cutting, not always but usually by Day 10 symptoms are manageable. Everyone is different, so you may need to be able to detect this "lag time" of yours.

Wish you the best! :)

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All I can tell you is that when I tried cutting 0.25mg from my then dose of 5mg (which I know is lower than your dose) I couldn't even stabilise after 3 weeks. I wasn't prepared to keep holding and waiting any longer than the 3 weeks to see how much longer it was going to take, so I had to updose back to 5mg. This happened a few times before I finally realised it just wasn't going to work, and I started a daily taper, and I'm now benzo-free.
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I found that when I cut my worst withdrawal symptoms came between days 3 and 9 . Pretty much like yourself. 

Everyone is different of course definitely. Thank you for your help.




Thanks for your advice too. Great to know you are benzo free. After this Ambien taper is done , my next one is the Valium . One day at a time !!

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During my taper i was in tolerance withdrawal the whole time so I felt like crap.  Sounds similar to you.  After my cuts I wuld feel extra crappy starting around day three until day twelve.  I held until two weeks sometimes three if really bad but I knew I had to just keep going forward. 


Hope that helps.

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