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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

8 months and feeling better but I want to tell you something important.


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I'm now 8 months off and feeling much better. Not in total mental and physical pain like I was when I got off them meds. One big thing I want to let you know and especially for the people just experiencing withdrawal is DO NOT BELIEVE OTHER PEOPLE IN WITHDRAWAL. I don't mean all people in withdrawal, but there are a lot that will make you believe that what you're doing by taking a supplement or what ever you're doing will prolong/ruin healing because their brains are just as hypersensitive as yours and they will make you think the same way they think. Use your BETTER JUDGEMENT! I used to love being in the Facebook groups but decided for my own good to leave them. I got tired of asking others for advice or if something that I'm doing will mess things up for me and seeing them respond with "probably" or "maybe." But I realize now that they were/are just as hypersensitive as me and were wrong because if that was the case I would not be 85% or 90% healed now. One guy tried to tell me my blood pressure medication that I took in early withdrawal would prolong healing.  There will be people like this. Please do NOT BELIEVE THEM AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF. Your brain will believe ANYTHING and it will latch on to what ever these other benzo brains said to you. Don't let what they say brain FUDGE you. Try to be strong minded even though it's very hard to.
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Congrats on 85-90%, SaveMe, that's just amazing!  :thumbsup:


I totally agree with you, it's very easy to become overly fearful and susceptible to everything we read.  We're all hurting and very vulnerable during these times.  When I first got on here, I started suddenly worrying about everything from caffeine to sugar to lord knows what.  Then I read one post of someone saying they ate anything they wanted and that just totally spoke to me, and I've been doing the same ever since.  Each to their own, but I do my own thing and let my own body do the talking!


So, so happy for you and clinging to hope my physical sxs will leave just as yours have!  Thank you for posting!



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Hi there! Thank you so much for congratulating me. Yeah, I think the ones that can heal the quickest are the ones that don't let what others say mess with their brains. You're absolutely right! We're very vulnerable. I eat just about anything as well, like wheat bread and dairy and don't have a problem. Some say it revs them up but even though it revs them up it don't mean it'll prolong healing. I noticed that you were on and off them for years. What's on my side is I was only on Ativan for 88 days, only 1mg, but I still had a bad w/d and still going through it. All my symptoms now are mental, but only like 4-5 symptoms. They are hectic at times.
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Unfortunate that one sx is applying personal experience as fact and another sx is accepting these shared experiences as fact...  ??? Luckily, this forums is a pick-and-choose. I have no trouble finding my own sx, and one IS suggestibility  ;D
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A lady just wrote me saying some people told her not to drink chamomile tea. Are they kidding?! That's one of the teas that is quite beneficial for people. Although some said it revved them up.
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A lady just wrote me saying some people told her not to drink chamomile tea. Are they kidding?! That's one of the teas that is quite beneficial for people. Although some said it revved them up.


Yes many teas can be nice!  Chamomile and Peppermint and even decaf green tea.  :)


But I stay away from supplements as in my own personal experience I found some to be like increasing my benzo dose.  :-\  So the stuff like St. John's Wort and other stuff are no no for me. 


Other people tapering get benefit, though, so I smile for them and am happy for them.  That's what it's all about:  you and I are different, please allow me to respect your way of doing things and please respect mine.  :)

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I was feeling about 95% around a month ago but now it's between 85% to 90%.


Looks good to me.  Glad you're in that range.  I'm similar but still tapering so it's going to fluctuate a lot.  You sound like you're on a great long term healing cycle.


The "down to 85% to 90%" feeling could just be about expectations and getting used to the great high of healing.  The long long term trend will obviously be better (I don't know anybody on Earth that is 100% healthy all the time  ;)).

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Yeah, I meant healed from withdrawal, being healthy is another story and I'm very healthy. Withdrawal has nothing to do with our health (no pun intended). It's GABA receptor and CNS issues. 
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Yeah, I meant healed from withdrawal, being healthy is another story and I'm very healthy. Withdrawal has nothing to do with our health (no pun intended). It's GABA receptor and CNS issues.


Oh.. well I'll agree to disagree with some of that.  :)  Benzos are in all cells of our body.  They mess with everything from the gut to the brain and everything in between. 


By "health" I mean all of that, and we sure are withdrawing from benzos effects throughout our body, not just the CNS. 

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Well, all the tests I've taken at hospitals while in withdrawal come back saying everything is PERFECT. Healthy as a horse! That's 1 reason why it's tricky about withdrawal and why docs can't believe it. You can believe what you wish. It's fine.
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Well, all the tests I've taken at hospitals while in withdrawal come back saying everything is PERFECT. Healthy as a horse! That's 1 reason why it's tricky about withdrawal and why docs can't believe it. You can believe what you wish. It's fine.


Me too (about being generally health).  Exercise and staying away from alcohol and other junk helps.  :)  But coming off this powerful stuff we're tapering means letting our whole body adjust, thus the sloooowwwww advice by Ashton and now other docs in the field (most of them don't want to go slow enough, in my opinion  :laugh:).

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Congratulations SaveMe. You should be really proud of yourself. There were many times when you were so sick and look where you are now. I am so very happy for you. :smitten:
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Yeah, I meant healed from withdrawal, being healthy is another story and I'm very healthy. Withdrawal has nothing to do with our health (no pun intended). It's GABA receptor and CNS issues.


Saveme it's awesome that you are feeling better. But saying withdrawal has nothing to do wit our health… well i strongly disagree on that. And I will mention only one example of withdrawal symptome that could strongly impact your health : insomnia. See if somebody is lacking of sleep for instance someone that sleep only 2/3 hours sleep/night it can affect all his organs, his kidney, heart, lungs etc.

And if you did not experience withdrawal symptoms that affected your health. Well,  apparently you did not suffer the worse of them and it's good for you :) . But don't undermine what other people can live in withdrawal from benzo and how it can impact their health.


Thank you

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I mean well, in my remarks to you, SaveMe.  :hug:


So does Nolan A.  So does everybody here at BB.  :)


Just in case you're taking what is being said as opposing you or something.  No.  Just sharing.  :)



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Actually FYI nolan, I had a terrible withdrawal. If you read on my post I said no PUN intended. You can also read my old posts about how bad mine was. Please go back and check them out. For the others that wished me well, and some of you know how bad my withdrawal was and know that it was terrible, I really appreciate it. Take care.
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Also Beepy, I'm not tapering, I'm completely off the meds. 8 months OFF! You made it seem like you thought that.


Hang on, I'm calling Beepy to make sure he knows that.  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Saveme Re-read my post. It was about your opinion on benzo withdrawal not affecting our health. I just said that i disagree and that if you think that way you may not had experienced the worst Benzo withdrawal (to the point it impact your health). I did not say that you did not suffer from your withdrawal.

My point was not to offend you. Just to "open" your mind on that matter.



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My point was not to offend you.


Same here.  I know I've felt offended here and there in life when later I found out that no offense was intended at all.  Maybe that's what SaveMe is going through. 


Best to you fellow Benzo Buddy SaveMe.  :)  :)  :)  :thumbsup:

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Who said I'm offended Nolan? Those were Jeppy's words, not mine. Beepy was a typo that he obviously didn't realize. Why he would speak for someone else too beats me? Thanks for your reply bro. Chow!
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Who said I'm offended Nolan? Those were Jeppy's words, not mine. Beepy was a typo that he obviously didn't realize. Why he would speak for someone else too beats me? Thanks for your reply bro. Chow!


I was joking with you, dood.  ::)


Methinks you'll see all this as rather silly in a while. 


*Jeepy*  (not "Jeppy")  :laugh:

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