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0 emotions..


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needing some hope.... i'm 11 months out and still feel like i'm not grounded yet and still have 0 emotions, i mean 0. i feel empty inside. when do people get this back?? please give me some input so i'll have some hope of feeling like a person again.. :( i feel like my body is plugged in to an electrical socket most of the time.. i felt more alive 6 months ago then i do now. how many feel like there is a benzo them and a real them and if so doesn't that scare you..
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I'm slowly getting them back, but all good emotions feel dulled, like 20% of how they should feel, however, I feel negative emotions more than ever, if something bad happens I blow it all out of proportion and feel 200% worse than I should.
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I get emotional at times, but mostly the emotions center around being angry. I would like to know what a hearty laugh from the gut feels like again and what it feels like to really enjoy life. Those are still absent.
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I'm about 4.5 mos. out & experiencing complete emotional flatness as well.  I tell myself that at least it's not as insufferable as the extreme, chemical anxiety and depression, although it's certainly depressing when one can't properly emote or respond appropriately to external or internal stimuli  :sick:  I'm trying to look at it as a reprieve from all the bawling I've been doing the past several weeks, and just keep soldiering on.


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I know how you feel because I feel the same. I wish I could cry to get some of this out but can't. I think we all need a big feel good laugh. The kind when you just can't stop laughing. It feels so good  :)



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my god i've cried for almost 11 months ..it's finally starting to subside a bit.. it'll come and go in shorter periods now. i hate the emptiness though and the brain fog or whatever it is..
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