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My impossible-to-get-to-see psych nurse just had a cancellation for tomorrow morning and they gave it to me!  My son has off so he can drive me even if I am a walking zombie from lack of sleep. I told him to just get me upright and into the car in the morning even if I'm in my jammies!


I think she is going to switch me from Xanax to clonazepam, which is something we have discussed in the past and would be better for tapering. (I don't say that part. She wants me on this long-term.)


I'm going from 1mg of Xanax at night for insomnia/anxiety (ptsd and GAD that worsened horribly at menopause) to clonazepam. Has anyone done this switch? Any advice?


BTW, she also has encouraged me to take lamotrigine, but I have declined. Is that even an anxiety med? It seems to be for everything under the sun when I google around. I did find out that there is a horrific, painful autoimmune reaction that some people have to it. I already have an autoimmune disorder, so I am afraid to try a med that could cause something like that. Yet, I don't want to be on benzos forever for obvious reasons.

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