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Tapering question


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When tapering off klonopin how can I calcultate what My actual blood titer is ? Their seems to be different opinions on half life times and also individual differences regrading metabolism from one person to another ?


If I understand this correctly the slower the taper rate the less the symptoms will be after having taken the last dose is that correct ? My doc and pharmacist tell Me Im getting too technical because I have only been on K for now into My 5th week and started tapering around the second week. I dont want to take any chances so Im going with the safest way. I would appreciate Your opinions.


Oct 15 0.5mg once per day for sleep.

Nov  1st dose reduced by MD to 0.25mg

Nove 10  lower dose no longer sedating so I decided to start tapering off rather than go back up.

I only felt very mild symptoms since Nov 1st after doc lowered dose to 0.25mg. with the exception of one day when I fiddled with tryptophan  other days since ok.

Because this is a short term considered low dose at what % should I continue to make My cuts and for how long.

I am NOT going to jump at 1/8th of a tablet as suggested by MD and pharmacist ! How low should I go before jumping ?



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When tapering off klonopin how can I calcultate what My actual blood titer is ? Their seems to be different opinions on half life times and also individual differences regrading metabolism from one person to another ?


If I understand this correctly the slower the taper rate the less the symptoms will be after having taken the last dose is that correct ? My doc and pharmacist tell Me Im getting too technical because I have only been on K for now into My 5th week and started tapering around the second week. I dont want to take any chances so Im going with the safest way. I would appreciate Your opinions.


Oct 15 0.5mg once per day for sleep.

Nov  1st dose reduced by MD to 0.25mg

Nove 10  lower dose no longer sedating so I decided to start tapering off rather than go back up.

I only felt very mild symptoms since Nov 1st after doc lowered dose to 0.25mg. with the exception of one day when I fiddled with tryptophan  other days since ok.

Because this is a short term considered low dose at what % should I continue to make My cuts and for how long.

I am NOT going to jump at 1/8th of a tablet as suggested by MD and pharmacist ! How low should I go before jumping ?


I agree with your doc and your pharmacist.

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I don't think you can calculate your blood titer. Different people have differing amounts of the enzymes that break these drugs down, so truly everybody is different.


Even after short-term use, you could be affected by a fast taper depending on how your body metabolizes meds. You just don't know until you get the side effects and then it's too late. I took a fairly low dose of  Prozac for 4 days and jumped off (because my doctor and pharmacist said it was safe) and had debilitating side effects for 9 months. I did a quick taper (typical taper recommended by doctors) off of Zoloft and had nasty side effects for only a few weeks.


Maybe you'll be fine and maybe you won't be. I wish there was a way to know ahead of time how you would react, but there isn't. Therefore, slower is safer.


I have used a jeweler's scale from amazon (called Smart Weigh GEM20) to do accurate dry cutting of very small pills. It works pretty well if you patiently calibrate it each time you use it. It may help you to reduce by 10% when the pill is so darn small you can't tell how much you're cutting.


Good luck!

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