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EMF exposure


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I live with a block of smart meters on my outside wall and am surrounded by high power voltage lines-I bought an 'earthing' mat and use it wherever I hang out in my small apt.  Sleep with it under me, too.  I can't honestly say EMFs are hurting me or not-I am not that sensitive, but pfft..our bodies are electrical devices and I do have friends that it's an issue for.


I've made my own earthing mat from an alligator clip wired into a ground plug attached to metallic bubble material...



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Thank you cookie:) I will look into the grounding mat, although I can't really picture what you describe.  I recently purchased an EMF meter, and it's pretty eye opening. I have smart meters outside my condo too (4 of them)and high power line very close by. Didn't really question the "electrosmog" until I got my first smartphone. I'm about ready to pack it all up, (I have no clue where I'm going, but I do have a strong desire to run away from all of this) I'm exhausted......


Take good care of yourself:)



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when i plan to use a phone for a long time i use a land line not only is it more clear and stable but i dont like the idea of having something wireless so close to my head, several people i heard of such as a disk jockey or another man that works in a studio have had brain tumors that seems like being exposed to excess electric stuff too close to their heads such as wearing headphones for hours caused it , i know that thers warnings about using an electric blanket can cause tumors as well.

i might be overly cautious doing this but i DONT want to use wireless internet or networking on my 4 computers , a surveilance camera DVR & my dvd player that has a ethernet port to connect and use with netflix all of those are hard wired with a C6 rj 45 ethernet cable . it looks kinda messy but im worried what it can do do me (healthwise) if i have all of those networked together with wireless networking im worried that the stuff you cant see flying through the air can cause harm to the  body because it would be alot of invisible stuff going through the air if i was to download a large movie file that was 2 gigabytes big . :(  :o

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Hey, who-am-i


I just did some quick research on grounding mats and there's some contradictory thoughts about the safety of them-one source says they just make YOU the conductor if you live in a high EMF area.


More information needed! :D



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  • 3 months later...
I can feel the radiation when I'm using the computer, cell phone or ipad.  It's very strong....head gets groggy, heavy, swimmy....... i heard about EMF and started paying attention. i had no idea.  no wonder it's taken me so long to heal.  for the past week I have been putting them on the other side of the house, and it's amazing how much better i feel.  Im also pretty energy sensitive.....dunno if benzo withdrawal has made me MORE sensitive to energy?  Anyone know?  Is that a dumb question?!  seriously i don't really know................
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Hello Spring! (awww, that really sounds good, and Spring is right around the corner!)


Anyway, I believe I am sensitive to EMF as well, and being in WD has only made that sensitivity more pronounced. You are not alone, and it's not a dumb question.


The reason I became interested is I had a terrible wave right after getting my first smartphone. It took me awhile to figure it out, but once I made the connections I began to research it and was a bit shocked at what I learned. I ended up buying an EMF meter and was very surprised at where the hot spots in my home were, and have made some changes. 


With all the cell phone towers and "smart" appliances now, we are swimming in a sea of EMF electro smog. There are some things you can do, and it sounds like you are already taking steps to reduce your exposure. A big one is never hold the smartphone next to your ear. EMF can disrupt sleep, so always turn your wifi off at night, keep electrical items away from your bed, and your smartphone in another room.


This whole thing has caused me to want to get back to nature, move to a Walden Pond like cabin in the woods to live out the rest of my days. That is the dream at this point.


Have the best day you can :)




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With all the cell phone towers and "smart" appliances now, we are swimming in a sea of EMF electro smog. There are some thing you can do, and it sounds like you are already taking steps to reduce your exposure. A big one is never hold the smartphone next to your ear. EMF can disrupt sleep, so always turn your wifi off at night, keep electrical items away from your bed, and your smartphone in another room.


This whole thing has caused me to want to get back to nature, like a Walden Pond like cabin in the woods to live out the rest of my days. That is the dream at this point.


Have the best day you can :)


H who-am-I and thanks for the advice.  So putting the phone on speakerphone as opposed to next to your ear really makes a difference?  I just ordered an AMEGA pendant online... ever heard of that? I don't know if it'll work or not......


have a good day!

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Some good points made. I do know that people who live close to high voltage transmission lines, stepdown or step up transformers, etc have reportedly been affected negatively by stray voltage. I believe some farm animals such as dairy cows can be affected by as little as 3 volts, which could be due to a few reasons, one being the fact that earth is virtually infinite when it comes to providing a return path to the power source ie;transformers, and is in parallel with the neutral conductor that is also grounded to earth. Voltage potential between the grounded neutral and the actual ground, theoretically should be 0, however that is not always the case. I think the jury is still out on cell phones, but I could find it conceivable for high signal emitting devices could potentially cause some problems.



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Hi all :thumbsup: cell phones have been shown the raise the brain temperature when held to your head, which figures as they heat up in use, I also got 'EMF' paranoia for a  while at one stage but not any more. 'EMF protection 'is just another money making scam  caused by yet another '''internet and disinformation'' rumor to feed off the paranoia which is now an epidemic since the birth of the Internet.


I had EMF reading done all over my home all technology was safe meters, PC, Printers, all electrical goods and chargers. But the real danger was actually the washing machine, the guy that said ALL washing machines were the same and I nearly always stood by it when on as its near the sink and so is everyone that I know.


And the guy who did the readings works for a big company and knows his stuff, and said he moved his washing machine for the same reason. The only other reading that fluctuated high  was from a hall way wall were the back of my fridge freezer backs on to the wall in my kitchen.


But I knew year's ago not to have one of those on a wall where you sit on the other side and to have it 6ft away from where you where sitting as warned by UK scientist year's ago all over TV and the papers for ages.


Year's go they started' ''Nuclear 'Radiation paranoia''' and everyone who could afford it got duped in to parting with massive amounts of money, that wore of so now its anything and everything to feed more to ''the paranoia monster'' and get people to part with money??


So does that mean we better all live under ground as the sun gives off radiation and EMS, whats next trees are bad for the planet because they give off oxygen?  And what about 'Carbon tax'' thats just another ruse for population and world  domination control, and so is ''green house gasses''. Don't buy in to  all the dogma, disinformation  and society brain wash  thats been going around this planet for far too long .


The mind is the most powerful weapon we have, what if people never had access to all this ''hear say'' and the very small amount of truth? What would they be 'sensitive'' to what they never gave a thought bout for many years? You can bend and break the mind very easily, ''what you think or believe becomes your reality, then you become it ''


Same as the Fibro, M.E. MS,CFS,ETC and other ''diagnosed'' physical and Mental illnesses of which 'Manic depression' is number one that all of us ''got'' post benzos but never had ''pre' benzos or AD's, SSRI's or other drugs even Antibiotics? Wake up world!!!


Nova  :smitten: :smitten:

The Carbon Tax Scam – A Tax on Breathing [nobbc]http://planet.infowars.com/politics/2432[/nobbc]


Don't Fear Radiation- A powerful and inspiring video   Listen to what the people this guy Is interviewing have got to say https://youtu.be/ddA9IF0CE84













edit: deactivated link

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I have worked on electronics and similar for over 30 years.


About the biggest danger I've noticed for my folks:  Electrocution.  it can take as little as 1 Amp to kill a human.


I've had coworkers come down with cancers...there was Mr. Chain-smoker who came down with lung cancer- imagine that. Then there was Mr. Tan who came down with skin cancer.  Oh my.  And then there was Mr. Chewing Tobacco who came down with a cancer on his tongue. Oh deary me. And they all worked around electronics, radio waves that ranged all up and down the spectrum, and were exposed to radiation- both ionizing and non-ionizing.


If something involves electricity, chances are it will emit some kind of EMF or MMF. The heat that comes off an oven range? Radiation. Sunlight? Radiation.  Sound waves- radiate.  The music you hear on the radio?  Transmitted by ....radiation...


Lasers radiate. (Though to be honest those DO concern me). But they concern me mostly because of radiation to my eyes.  Coherent energy like lasers can damage your eyes- and I wonder about cashiers now a days...


And if you're really worried about radiation from an appliance- make sure it's grounded, and that it has a metal case (which is often attached to the ground).







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Good Post and  link  Rockingchaircat,  :thumbsup: Here is another thing, in the street where I grew up was an electrical sub station with a padlocked gate and walls around it which we called 'The danger'' because thats what the sign on the gate said. ''DANGER!!''


''The Danger'' was our den  for year's we used to climb over the not very high walls, and sit smack in the middle of all this metal buzzing away from the electricity surging through it. This supplied thousands of homes, we climbed on it, sunbathed on it, made beds underneath it, used it as a house, and every night after school you heard all us kids yelling 'I'm going over the danger to play!!


To which the answer would be 'Well don't go missing from ''The Danger'' as your tea's nearly ready. All of us grew up with a well above average IQ, and many of us were athletes and we're all still alive and no one in my street died because of the electric substation being there right next to their house or down wind of it.  Had deformed babies, got unexplainable 'sensitivities'' what you REALLY should worry about,and stop using is all the chemicals you use in your homes''


''Indoor pollution'' has been found to be a LOT worse inside peoples homes than near any vehicles or factories pumping crap in to the air. And what people put on there own bodies even tooth paste has a good chance of giving you cancer , and another 1000+ illness, and Deodorant? Your spraying aluminum right in to you lymph glands and your raving about EMF'S??? WTF????


I don't use any chemicals in my home or on my body or eat junk food which isn't food anyway, and its a crying shame I was too young and naive  to believe what my parents and grand parents and everyone else believed. That Doctors and pills, Operations will help you not harm or kill you? Other wise Benzos or any other drugs would have never ever been seen any where in my home or body either.


Nova  :smitten: :smitten:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure which equipment in the substation you were climbing on and sunbathing on but if it was transformers or circuit breakers you are lucky you didn't electrocute yourself by touching a conductor. But EMF? People work in substations and power plants for decades with no ill effect. But even they don't climb around on the equipment unless they follow safety protocols and are doing necessary work. Because of shock and arcflash hszard, certainly not EMF.



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I'm not sure which equipment in the substation you were climbing on and sunbathing on but if it was transformers or circuit breakers you are lucky you didn't electrocute yourself by touching a conductor. But EMF? People work in substations and power plants for decades with no ill effect. But even they don't climb around on the equipment unless they follow safety protocols and are doing necessary work. Because of shock and arcflash hszard, certainly not EMF.

That's exactly what I was thinking. 

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Well there is a problem with living underground:







Radon can get you no matter if your under ground or in a traditional above ground house, and certain areas where I live are known to be high risk for radon pumping in to houses. A child that kept becoming ill with Leukemia was found to have dangerously high levels in his bedroom when test were taken to narrow down why he was so ill  frequently.  http://homebuying.about.com/cs/radongas/a/radon_gas.htm


Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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