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Sertraline (Zoloft)???


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Hello BenzoBuddies :thumbsup: I am curious.I have recently been prescribed Sertraline (Zoloft) a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) for my anxiety and depression.Im a little intimidated by how this may effect or change my brain chemistry.Has Sertraline been helpful for you?Im sure there are negative side effects for this medication so could you please describe them to me here?What are your overall opinions of this medication while you where on it?



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I've heard that about thyroid too, but my hubby has taken 50mg Zoloft for yrs & his thyroid tests always show almost hyper not hypo thyroid.  :o My thyroid tests were always normal 2.5, when I took Zoloft for 2 1/2 yrs. IMHO, it's a gr8 ssri for anxiety/stress. But my advice- start it at 12.5mg(1/2 of a 25mg pill). Wait 2 weeks, then go to 25mg, and so on...25 mg worked for me.  ;)
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im a lurker on some websites where people are poly drugged to death,,,,,


and i can tell you that there are top 3 AD drugs that people complain like no tomorrow....


paxil, effexor and zoloft.....


so its your decision at the end of the day,,,,


but I'm going to stay way from this shit.... :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:



take care

eva :smitten:

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