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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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Hi Magicbun,

I am sorry to learn about the difficulties that you are going through.  Coming to Benzobuddies is a very wise move indeed because many of us are going through the same difficulties as you and can offer guidance and support.

Being concerned about seizures is a very serious topic and one that should be discussed with your doctor.  I will say that seizures are a concern when W/D from benzos but generally the lower the dose the less of the concern.  Additionally, the time frame that you were on was quite short so that also should lessen the concern.  Nevertheless, check with your doctor in order to ensure your safety.

I would like to welcome you and would urge you to enter the forum that is specifically for people while they are tapering.  Ask questions and you will seek answers to your concerns.  If you have difficulty, please let one of us know and we will help in any way. 



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I found this forum while trying to look up information on klonopin withdrawal. I'm having a hard time of it after doctors suddenly took me off and I had no idea about benzo withdrawal. And I wanted to ask here about people's experiences with Klonopin and if I would have to worry about anything like seizures or strokes if I was only on it since this August (at 2mg since August... reduced to .25mg for two days and then simply stopped, a week ago.)
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I found this forum while trying to look up information on klonopin withdrawal. I'm having a hard time of it after doctors suddenly took me off and I had no idea about benzo withdrawal. And I wanted to ask here about people's experiences with Klonopin and if I would have to worry about anything like seizures or strokes if I was only on it since this August (at 2mg since August... reduced to .25mg for two days and then simply stopped, a week ago.)

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@Erib thank you for the welcome post. I know I should see a doctor but my psychiatrist dropped me and I won't be able to see my general practitioner for a few days, which has lead to me stressing out over this. I've had nonstop headaches since Tuesday and nausea that comes and goes, and weird sensation in my head (like everything is spinning and i am spinning but i'm not moving at all, but it feels like i am). So i just wanted some, reassurance i guess. Thank you for that.
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If you are felling terrible, go to the ER, explain what is happening to you in detail, and they will supply you with the medication you need until you see your doctor. ER's are really  understanding about these things  - at least in my circumstances.  Best of luck.
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Welcome from me too!  :) I am sorry you are having such a rough time.


You might like to check out The Ashton Manual it is an authoritative source on benzodiazepines and withdrawal.


Members discuss their symptoms on the Post withdrawal recovery support. This would be a great place to check out. You will find other members who are or have gone through withdrawal.


Please take the time to Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Again welcome! It is always great to have a new member!

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