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Pain in knees...


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I am so worried right now.  At almost 9 months out,  i was sudden hit with knee pain.  I have osteoarthritis in my lower back and im afraid this may be arthritis.  Can withdrawal do this all of a sudden.  Never had any knee issues before.  Im okay when standing or when moving but the pain is only felt when i sit or lie down. Its a dull burning pain.
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I've had this too. Its been in all of my joints. I was on lithium for 6 years and it seems to have gotten a little better with my knees. Other joints are about the same or worse, so I definitely attribute that to w/d rather than a side-effect of lithium. Hips, ankles, knees and shoulder all have similar high heat sensations, irritability and weakness. I wonder what the medical explanation is for this.
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I wonder what explanation too?  Inflammation? But why 9 months out and not early withdrawal?  Now that i think about it, I got it suddenly in two knees and my left elbow.  Will epsom salt and hydrogen peroxide bath help?
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I got knee pain all of a sudden, too.  All my joints have been bad, stiff and sore and very hard to move at first if I've been sitting on laying down in one position for a few minutes.  Hips and lower back have been steadily bad, but knees just came on strong one day, really painful.  I'm sorry you're having this, too.  :(  I never had any issues with joints before w/d, so I'm hoping it's "just" that. 
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