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everything seems clear but when i try to talk to my husband it's like freaks me out like nothing is right and feel like the part of my brain that makes things real is not working and it scares the crap out of me. i can't leave my room because it scares me so bad..
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everything seems clear but when i try to talk to my husband it's like freaks me out like nothing is right and feel like the part of my brain that makes things real is not working and it scares the crap out of me. i can't leave my room because it scares me so bad..


When things seem surreal I know it can be scary. Is this a new feeling?

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yes it just happened this aftrnoon ,i got a head ache and stomach ache and then this. i haven't had any feelings in my body until lately i haven't felt any pain either until today.
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I think i know what what you're experiencing. I'm not sure,  It sounds like something that I went through a few times and it is pretty scary. It's difficult to describe but it was kind of  like derealization or disassociation in that  what I was saying, seeing, feeling didn't feel like it belonged to me and my husband wasn't really there but an illusion.  That sounds like derealization or disassociation but it was different. Maybe a different form?  I had some clarity yet things weren't how they should be. It  felt so scary. I haven't had that happen in months. It will get better. Hang in there.
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