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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Achy, sore muscles


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My most dominant w/d symptom has been nausea, but this time when I cut by a very small amount, I have the achey and sore muscles in neck, back, arms, hands, legs, and hips.  It feels like I did an excessive work-out (and I don't normally work-out).


Tapering benzos is unpredictable.  That's part of what's so frustrating about it.



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I ache and twitch constantly.  Sometimes more intense than others.  I really worry if something else is wrong.  I'm bloated all the time and my tongue burns as well.
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my neck ...& all of my back aches and it's stiff. it's like im a walking tin man


I would get a massage from a spa, occasionally but I think i'd only walk out of that spa

to have my back & neck ache some more.


it sucks, this whole withdrawal thing. all of it  :tickedoff::laugh:

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