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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Severe chronic insomniac for 10 years


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Hello, I'm 35 and have had severe chronic insomnia for 10 years. I have taken and been hooked on pretty much every benzodiazepine out there (recent years clonazepam then temazepam), suffered the withdrawals of going off, then back on, then back off over and over again. I am desperate for sleep and help! I actually "cured" myself three years ago. I got off all drugs, and did yoga, acupuncture, and hypnotherapy religiously. I slept 7-8 hours every night. Then I got pregnant (last year), had my baby early this year, I've slept only 0-4 hours every night since 05/13. The sick joke is that it's not because of my baby, she sleeps 11 hours a night! I tried my same healthy remedies but it didn't work this time. I'm pretty sure I have hormonal imbalances and adrenal fatigue. I'm tired of doctors just wanting to prescribe sleep meds and dismissing the fact that there could be a CAUSE. I found this forum doing a search about Seriphos which I just started, but it doesn't seem to be working for me  :-\. But at least I've been off benzos for 3 weeks now- NEVER, NEVER again!! And at least I'm sleeping from 10-2am. I'm completely wired at 2 and don't fall back asleep. Any women have similar problems with having a baby?
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Hi Sleepy6 and welcome.


A familiar story, I'm afraid.  Benzodiazepines do work for sleep ... for awhile.  They worked for my insomnia but the dose went up over the years and then began not working anymore.  You probably know the rest of that story.  Best to be off them for good and find some ways to help get some sleep.


Here's a link to the Insomnia board, where you can read and post to other members here.


Please include your benzodiazepine information in your posts.  To make that easier by adding it to each post automatically, you can go up to Profile, choose Forum Profile, write the information in the text box and click Change Profile.


Take care,


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Hello Sleepy6,


Welcome to the forum from me too  :)


Congratulations on being benzo free!


I'm sorry to hear about the sleep problems, insomnia is just awful to cope with I know. If you've only been benzo free for 3 weeks the troublesome sleep you are currently experiencing could well be attributed in part to that. Most members sleep is badly affected during their early recovery days, I know mine was. It can take quite a few months after the taper has finished for good sleep to reassert itself. I agree with Challis, I dont think benzos are a sensible answer for problems with sleep. I was prescribed benzos to assist with sleep during a stressful period many years ago, fast forward 30 years, I was still taking the same dosage, wasn't sleeping and had many other problems connected to long term benzo use. Have you had your vitamin D level checked at all, some members here report a good improvement with sleep after starting a Vitamin D supplement, apparently deficiencies in Vitamin D can contribute to sleep problems.


I will give you a link to The Post-Withdrawal recovery support board where members who are benzo free discuss their symptoms :




Do take a look at the insomnia board here, there are some good tips and recommendations for dealing with sleep problems, Challis has given you a link to it.


I'm glad you found us and I wish you well.



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