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Is Remeron not for me?


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I've been using Remeron since 10/17/14 (about a little over a week into my taper from K to V) and I don't know if it is helping or not. My expectations of sleep may be out of sync with reality....


I've experimented with different doses, 3.75mg, 7.5mg 11.25mg and now 15mg. My Psy wants me to stay at 15mg for 2 weeks and see how I feel...


Here is what I'm experiencing...


I get to sleep but then throughout the night usually starting around 3ish I'll awake multiple times, dream intensely and sometimes around 5 - 6 am having a feeling of being wired.


When I first started the R if knocked me out but felt the haze for a few hours upon awakening. So I'm confused on what's going on... Is Remeron not for me? Is the crossover to Valium causing this? Is my body still adjusting to not having any Klonopin?


I'm a little lost and don't quite know what to do. I have Trazodone on hand to use but I just don't want to be taking tons of pills... Bad enough having to take the Valium and Remeron.


I initially started the Remeron becuz I had read about people sleeping 8+ hours solid on it, and insomnia has been plaguing me since about Feb of 2014.....


Does anyone have any advice or similar experiences?


Thank you kindly.

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When it comes to insomnia cause by withdrawal in my opinion Remeron does little. I was given it in early withdrawal and it did nothing for my insomnia, but I did gain 30 pounds in a short period.  :-[
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When it comes to insomnia cause by withdrawal in my opinion Remeron does little. I was given it in early withdrawal and it did nothing for my insomnia, but I did gain 30 pounds in a short period.  :-[


May I ask what dose you were on, how long and during what stage of you taper/withdrawal?

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I have to agree that Remeron is not a great sleep helper past initial four days. Wired doesn't seem right. Tell your doc. Was Remeron solely prescribed for sleep? Sleep disturbances are going to come in withdrawal. How's the Trazadone working?
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I have to agree that Remeron is not a great sleep helper past initial four days. Wired doesn't seem right. Tell your doc. Was Remeron solely prescribed for sleep? Sleep disturbances are going to come in withdrawal. How's the Trazadone working?


I have these weird/crazy dreams and during the latter part of the morning, usually around 3am  - until I get up to go to work (around 6:40am) I'm in this limbo stage where I dream, toss and turn, not sure if I'm asleep or awake, but recall dreams... it's weird...


I told him and he said it is normal as it is essentially an anti-depressant and can cause dreams during the beginning, but it's been 4 weeks. All I had to do was ask for it and he prescribed it, he's pretty liberal with medication for me....


The Trazodone works well when combined with Remeron, usually 37.5mg - 75mg of Traz.


I did try the Trazodone solo for about 4 days prior to starting the Remeron and it helped with sleep, but then again, I was probably so sleep deprived that anything would have helped.


The insomnia has been around since feb of this year..... its gotten better then gotten worse, waxes and wanes....



Any opinions on what I should do? Maybe the 15mg is too stimulating for me? Go to 7.5mg R and Traz everynight?


I have sleep issues even prior to crossing over and now during taper, I can't imagine what it will be like when I'm off the benzo's.... yikes!!!!


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It's a guess that Remeron isn't the culprit for weird sleep. Being fitful is not the same as being wired. If it's making you wired, like manic, I'd definitely reconsider. If you are taking it for a mood disorder, then that's a more delicate issue. If it was just sleep that you are taking R for, sounds like Traz was doing a well enough job.


I had a stretch of horrible nightmares recently. Always waking around 3 AM, I'd then toss and turn, but somewhere in that time frame, would have frightening dreams. That too waxes and wanes.


I wouldn't project the future on how you feel today. We'll know when we get there.  :thumbsup:



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It's a guess that Remeron isn't the culprit for weird sleep. Being fitful is not the same as being wired. If it's making you wired, like manic, I'd definitely reconsider. If you are taking it for a mood disorder, then that's a more delicate issue. If it was just sleep that you are taking R for, sounds like Traz was doing a well enough job.


I had a stretch of horrible nightmares recently. Always waking around 3 AM, I'd then toss and turn, but somewhere in that time frame, would have frightening dreams. That too waxes and wanes.


I wouldn't project the future on how you feel today. We'll know when we get there.  :thumbsup:





You;re correct, fitful sounds like more of the word I'm looking for. I sleep soundly for about 3-5hrs then awake multiple times, toss and turn, strange dreams, etc...Making me weird, no. I suppose I used the incorrect word, but fitful sounds right. I was taking the R to hopefully benefit from it's anti-depressant effects as I have been on ADs before - prozac, effexor, wellbutrin etc... and maintained pretty well while on them. But stopped taking ADs around April of 2013.


Could this just be withdrawal that I"m experiencing and continue with R and Traz as needed? Man, I feel like a mess here...

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