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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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I am looking to stop use of Klonopin. After 3 years of use, I am feeling need to get off the stuff because I am feeling I need more. Originally started with 0.25 dose, not take .75 mg a day.  Started having burning mouth syndrome and read online that klonopin helps with that....and by golly, it does, but the fear or addiction is overwhelming to me right now. I am unsure whether to continue at the .75 dose for as long as this burning mouth can last, because it can last for years.  Don't know which is worse...burning mouth or benzo addiction.  Just looking for advice, help, other stories, etc.
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I should mention that the burning mouth is not why I started the klonopin.....I started it for anxiety issues three years ago.  The burning mouth is something that has been going on for the last three months only, and researching for help online for that problem is what lead me to discover that the use of klonopin could be of help.....
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Hello Frauniepants :hug:  Welcome to BenzoBuddies!. 


Sounds like you have hit tolerance level, I am pleased you have decided to come off. Sorry your experiencing  burning mouth, it is quite a common withdrawal symptom.  You will find a lot of information here. We have a wonderful community of caring members. They have been through all aspects of benzodiazepine use and withdrawal, and will share their experiences with you. 


The best way of getting off benzodiazepines is to taper off slowly.  If you have used them for a couple of months or more then the suggested taper rate is 5/10% every 10/14 days. It’s important to listen to your body when tapering, you can adjust the rate if need be.


You may want to familiarize yourself with the Ashton Manual. It is a great resource for information about these medications and how to withdraw. Here is a link to the manual: : Professor Ashtons Manual  .


For tapering advice General Taper Plans   


For support with any symptoms you may have post here: Withdrawal Support


If you would please be so kind as to add a signature (history of meds/doses etc) it will help members give you relevant advice.  This link will show you how to do this Create a signature


If you have any questions let us know.


Welcome aboard




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Hi Frauniepants,

Good idea to join us and its time to get off this crap i think.

A sensible taper plan has to be worked out, our Members will give you

plenty of advise and support.


I would join the Klonopin club.



what is happening in the brain ? interesting.



warm welcome from me too,

and all the best.

Claudia. :smitten:



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