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Question about timing of nightly dose


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Good morning,

It is somewhat sunny here in frigid Western NY and I actually had a functional night last evening with an event at my daughter's school and then my book club!! Whoo-hoo. No kooky thoughts or anxiety at all. This morning I am back to the nervous nellies, but oh well. I was initially prescribed my klonopin for acute insomnia brought on by acute OCD, which my dumb GP tried to "cure" with Xanax and Lexapro, both of which made me more insomniac (all over the course of 5 days). In any case, in the hospital they put me on klonopin, 3 x .5 for five days, then when I got out it was .5 in the day prn and .5 to 1 at night. I pretty much stopped taking it all in the day in August, and so have only taken anything nightly for three months. My question is: since Valium has such a long half-life, is it imperative that I take it at the same time every evening, or do I have some leeway? (Sorry so long-winded.)

Thank you all!

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I am on Valium as well. I try to keep my dose schedule right on course, meaning I take the same dose at the exact same time. However, since Valium had a long half life and I am on a lot of it, sometimes when I get busy and distracted I forget to take my dose on schedule. I never even feel the need to take the dose, probably because I am on so much of it. So sometimes, I take the dose 2 hours after I am supposed to. I don't to this often, but never noticed a difference. I am now more diligent in my dosing schedule, as I set my alarm to go off when I am supposed to dose. PS, I take my bedtime dose about an hour before I go to bed. And I know what you are talking about in upstate, NY and snow, as I went to Syracuse University. Bets

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Valium is fairly forgiving with timings. When I was tapering I would take my dose anywhere from about 4pm to 7pm, and it never seemed to bother me.
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