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It has been a while since I have been on this forum, but after going through this hell and the slow recovery, I can look back and say I made it! You really do have to accept that you will be in a lot of pain and give yourself positive feedback- challenge yourself with little challenges ( I will walk to get the mail today) and make them more challenging each day, then rejoice at what you have accomplished. I am surprised at how far I have come ( I wish I could time travel and tell my old self that it will be hard but you can get through this) ( I REALLY wish I could time travel and tell my old old self not to take the RX in the first place!)
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Congratulations, Shy, and thank you for coming back to share! 

Maybe if you get the chance, you can elaborate on what sxs affected you the most?  Were they mainly physical or emotional, for instance.


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