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$ucess with a hicup or two


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Hey guys I haven't been on here I quite a while . but I just want people to know you can heal I have been two years off and was feeling great for the past year . Not to many waves . but I still want to warn people that excessive stress can still cause some things to come back . I recently had a really stressful week at work . And bam my cortisol levels raised and now I have the dreaded adrenalin surges first thing in the morning . till around noon there not anywhere as bad as they were earlier on in my withdrawal but still quite aggravating .So please monitor your stress and make sure you keep a healthy diet and you can return to a normal life . please hit me up if any one has any questions . The hardest thing I've ever had to over come in my life was xanax  withdrawal but I'm on the mend and can now feel confident to approach other fears . And refuse to give up
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Good Morning Benzopain...thank you for your note of inspiration and for returning to the forum to help....I m happy that you have come so far in this healing process and you sound like a courageous soul!  You are so correct about humanity and how it is  prevalent here and refreshing to see here..I ve thought about it often....I m sorry about your recent stressors and yes I have found the inability to deal with stress to be a major obstacle in healing.....I have reduced my interactions with people and trying to fly under the radar but difficult in that I have to work as well...


The cortisol and morning rushes are certainly a battle...Ive noticed that you take mag and Vit C....I ve noted a couple of oither suggestions to help this and I wondered what you think....protein and whole grains before bedtime as well as Tart Cherry juice was a suggestion...do you have any thoughts on this...also are their any foods you have eaten more of during your healing and any that you have noticed bring on " waves "!


Thank you again for your help and I pray that you have a complete 100% + healing!!


opps just saw your post sussie....good questions

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Mary I feel diet is huge during this whole process maybe the most important . The body cannot heal if your not putting the right things in it . I have tried tart cherry and I felt it did help me sleep . Magnesium was one of my biggest helps

As well as vit c and omega 3 fish oil . your body cannot heal unless you have the proper nutrients it needs . as far as the whole grains and protein at night . I haven't found anything to help imensly with the early morning adrenalin

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thanks...good to know I m on the right track with the Mag and Vit C...the citrate I have is a Mag/D/calcium ...and now thinking I should eat more salmon for the Omega fish oils ..also continue with the tart cherry!....there has to be some answer regarding that morning cortisol...it s maddening....thank you again for posting! Please do keep in touch and hoping your recent stress with be resolved. :smitten:
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Mary thank you and you too be careful with cal mag as calcium can be an excitory element

I use a product called calm but anything with just magnesium will do

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No prob it a long road just know your not alone and you will have ups and downs along this road


Thanks for chiming back on! My friend told me to try tart cherry. What does it do??? Also next to anxiety what were your most challenging symptoms? I'm going on 7 months off and it's been difficult for me since month 3  :'(


And I'm working.

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No prob it a long road just know your not alone and you will have ups and downs along this road


Thanks for chiming back on! My friend told me to try tart cherry. What does it do??? Also next to anxiety what were your most challenging symptoms? I'm going on 7 months off and it's been difficult for me since month 3  :'(


And I'm working.

Hi there BB. Tart cherry beside being a great source of Vit C ( supposedly helps lower cortisol ) also helps stimulate melatonin and tryptofen as well, thus resulting in  deeper sleep and at least 1to 2 additional hours or so  I ve been told .Also read to have 6 oz in the morning and then another 6 right around dinner time. I understand it may take up to a week before seeing the benefits ..



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Also Mary is right tart cherry does exactly that But all of it takes time . there is no easy way out of this  :tickedoff: but as long as you stay positive have a good support group either online or off eat well healing is possible
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I agree..about the obsessive thoughts ..also the feeling of not being able to "get out of my own head" is the only way I can describe it... Getting " out of my own head" has always been the most effective coping mechanism for me , and now for months it had been nearly impossible ...very difficult to help someone understand this who has never experienced this..very frustrating  :(
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Also Mary is right tart cherry does exactly that But all of it takes time . there is no easy way out of this  :tickedoff: but as long as you stay positive have a good support group either online or off eat well healing is possible


Oh I know there is no easy way out but if the ride could be just a bit smoother it would help :-) thanks again!

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Mary I told people it was like having the feeling of being on a rollercoaster with out the ability to get off . like that feeling like your stomach feels like it's in knots and your head feels like you have a cold with the pressure . but no matter what you say no one will ever understand unless they go through it .
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  • 2 weeks later...
I have been using alcohol in moderation and am feeling about 70% healed at month 3(YEAH!)  Were you able to drink occasionally and still progress?  It makes me feel better to go out and socialize and forget about things for awhile :)
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