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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Seroquel or Remeron?


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Mirtazapine was easy for me I went from 30mg to 0 in a week and I can't recall having any w/d symptoms. Some people have reported having real bad w/d from it though.
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Seroquel causes hypothyroidism so you'll have to get your thyroid checked.  I heard tht seroquel is hard to get off of but I just heard that I've never experienced that.  Sorry I couldn't help you.  Amitriptline is great for benzo withdrawal.  I tried t but I had some side effects and had to stop.
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Well, I never took Seroquel, but I did take 22.5 mg remeron for almost 3 years.  Did a 2 week taper and was off with no WD sxs at all.


Seroquel ian anti-psychotic.  Are you psychotic?


IIMO, taking an anti-psychotic as a sleep aid is like swatting a fly with a sledgehammer!

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Using Seroquel is a bad idea, IMO. You run the risk of Tardive Dyskenesia (Sp?) which can be permanent....don't take an antipsychotic unless you need to. There are much better sedating medications. Remeron is good from what I hear.
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Using Seroquel is a bad idea, IMO. You run the risk of Tardive Dyskenesia (Sp?) which can be permanent....don't take an antipsychotic unless you need to. There are much better sedating medications. Remeron is good from what I hear.


Remeron is an excellent sleep aid.  And OTC doxylamine is also very effective.

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Which is easier to taper off of, seroquel or remeron?


I once tried 7.5 mg of Remeron and it made me anxious. Then it was upped to 15 mg and I didn't feel anxious, I just felt nothing. Then the doc upped it to 22.5 mg and I got very anxious again, so after a while I just dropped it all at once and didn't have any w/d symptoms. But I am not a typical example. I am paradoxical to every AD but Trazodone. I'm actually glad, as I've already gained a ton of weight and Remeron can make you eat like a pig. You are always hungry. I remember while taking it I was eating 6 full meals a day and still felt hungry. And I hate SSRis (remeron is not an SSRi) in general. I really don't feel they are effective to many people and some can cause anxiety. They are also difficult to get off. Seroquel works like a charm for me both as a sleep aid and an anti anxiety med. But 50, and 100 mg did nothing for me. So now I am on 150 mg. I read on MiA that someone asked how to get off 2,000 mg of it! I take both Seroquel and Traz combined for sleep because Seroquel makes you fall asleep, but does not necessarily keep you asleep. Trazodone doesn't make you fall asleep but keeps you from waking up during the night or early morning. But many people here are against taking any anti psychotic, unless they have psychosis. Some find it to be a rather easy taper but many here have much difficulty getting off it. You have to taper slowly. I once tried an experiment to get off Trazodone for a while. I just dropped the whole shebang at once and didn't have a problem at all. I wouldn't touch Remeron, even if you gave me a million dollars, but that's just me. Well, maybe I would take one pill for $1 million! Bets

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I guess it's true that everyone's different and meds affect people differently. I had to look up tardive dyskinesia. Doesn't sound good.


I guess I'll just deal w/ what little insomnia I have. It's not to the point where I can't function.

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