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Crazy Dreams: out of body experiences, sleep paralysis


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At about 8 weeks since my last dose of Xanax and 9 weeks since my first and last dose of Ambien.  I have been on a trazodone since the 5th, found that it lost most effect.  Feel as if I never sleep, but have crazy dreams and experiences.  Been getting anywhere from 0-4 hours of sleep.  It's so broken up and wake pretty much every hour or so, so it begins to feel like no sleep is happening at all.  Most nights I have very vivid dreams that sometimes just feel like hallucinations that I have with my eyes closed, or my imagination goes wild at night. 


One time while dosing Xanax I had a night of sleep paralysis or strange sensation of being partially paralyzed but able to move very slowly and felt a sensation of vibration and buzzing in head.  Had this happen twice in a night, scared me to stop taking the pills abruptly.  Have had the worst insomnia, never feel tired, never feel sleepy.  At night by chance I'll sleep and straight in to crazy vivd dreams, sometimes nightmares, but mainly just weird dreams. 


When the trazodone was working my dreams would feel hours long and then I would wake up fully awake and look at the clock and it would've only been 45 mins or so since I was last awake.


Anyways, last night.  Took some time released melatonin, and 25MG of trazodone ( running low because I kept up dosing and then realized it wasn't helping much but kept taking it anywhere from 50-150MG) -- I had two episodes where I felt like I was floating above my body and could move my arms, the first few times I would give in to it and as I got closer to the ceiling I would relax then go straight in to dreams -- the dreams were pleasant and strange-  then I would awake, it would happen again, second time I could look back and see my body in the bed, but I was floating towards the ceiling again, able to move my arms and head just slowly.  Then woke up, happened one more time followed by dreams. 


It's such a strange feeling, my thoughts are completely aware of what is happening and the same thought process happens from the "sleep state" to the awake state.  Even in my dreams I feel like my thoughts are continuous, which is why I feel like I dream awake sometimes. 


The feeling I feel when this floating dream or whatever it is happens is that my body feels like it's being pulled down like a magnet and that I feel a vibration or falling feeling.


I think the scariest part of last night is that I would hear voices of people narrating what was happening to me "he is floating and he is aware of it"  --strange ... I really hope normal sleep comes back in time, some of these experiences are crazy and I guess all sorts of things happen when the brain is trying to heal.  Seemingly my only symptoms seem to be related to sleep.  It's been months of really poor sleep, still never feeling tired.  I hope normalcy comes back.


Going to try and taper down the trazodone so that I can see where I am at with organic sleep, and then use as needed, but need to give my body time to not be resistant/tolerant to it's effects. 


This insomnia sucks.  it gives me relief to hear that others have similar experiences, and troubles with sleep, hate it! But others experiences keep me from thinking I have some fatal disorder lol.

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