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My freedom day is today!!!


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Its been a loooooong journey through hell. And its finally finished. My taper that is. My last dose was .001 but I'm still scared. Im not going to go anywhere for the next couple days.

My main sx right now are head sx, brain feels squeezed and its pulling on my jaw, waves of panic and terror, and a feeling of being trapped in my own body? What an utter nightmare this process is.


Edited to add: I could not have done this without Jesus Christ. I stayed very close to Him throughout this. I studied the Bible, I prayed sometimes 5 hours a day, Rosary, mass, got people to pray for me, etc. This saved my life. Jesus saved me.

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Dear Sophielove,

  I am happy to read of your taper completion! Good for you...you did it! Wishing you the best a s you move forward Valium free.




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