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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

General Anesthesia


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It seems I may need an endoscopy on friday for that popcorn piece lodged in throat.  It has somehow burrowed further into my muscles and causing a dull pain.  I want to avoid infection or it perforating my throat so I want this taken care of asap.  I am a bit worried that I'll be put under and they won't find anything ???  But I will make a trip to the hospital and see what my options are and if being put under for an endoscopy is advised then I want to be informed about the general anesthesia.  There is no way I want a nasal scopy performed awake so any other option is welcome.  What is a benzo withdrawal friendly anesthesia?  Another poster mentioned fentanyl and I know propofol works on gaba receptors, so its a no no.
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Thx brooke-  i would be comforted but i just read some posts on peppermint tea causing issues.  If peppermint tea can do that, what guarantee do i have that a drug wont give me symptoms!?! Ahhhh i feel screwed!!!
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Im really scared guys!  I just need some reassurance.  Sorry if i seem indecisive.  Other then having lyme disease,  i feel ever since benzo withdrawal the life has been sucked out of me.  Like whatever vitality and strength i have is gone.  I am just fragile.  Do u think my body/immune system can handle being put asleep???  Im trying to convince myself that its a good thing as the drugs are putting my body to sleep and getting the much needed rest??  Then my other devil on my shoulder is saying it would be to aggressive to handle.
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Well i went today and they refused to scope me anyways.  Received an urgent referral to see an ENT on monday.  Dont know why emergency would tell me to go back for a scopy only to be turned away.  All that nervousness for nothing.


One moment that stood out to me was,  that as unbearable as the 3 hr wait was,  it didnt equate to the moment the doctor told me he cant do anything.  My anxiety shot up so high that the room and his face started distorting.  Then a black spot appeared in my left vision which i attempted to wipe at but realized its not my eyeliner!!!  Once the anxiety dissipated, the spot disappeared.  Goes to show, even at 8 months out i still can't handle life stresses.


Ps.  Is this an episode of derealization?? If it is,  it seems ive had it all throughout my years on antidepressants and always crops up when talking to people face to face.  Id get anxious then its a sort of tunnel vision and i want to run away from them.  For the longest time now,  i dont know what its like to talk to someone of no interest and just daydream when they talk.  Instead my fight or flight always wins and i have to get away from this person who is 'restricting' me.

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Sorry to harp on this issue but im really anxious.  I went to the ENT and he wants to scope me awake.  Im terrified that i'll grab the scope and yank it out myself causing further injury to my throat and sinuses.  I can't seem to get my throat looked at without being scoped.  Other then the event making me anxious the idea of having my throat frozen also scares me.  I even hate the feeling of regular decongestant nasal sprays becus i end up with a hallow feeling in my throat and it feels like i cant control those muscles or that flap that closes when i swallow.  Or maybe decongestant sprays do something different with the sinus nerves?  I spoke to a poster here and she said that it was fine and it comforts me a bit.  I could get a ct scan but #1 not sure if it can see the popcorn husk #2 i have thyroid issues and afraid radiation can mess with it.  Any stories or experiences would help.  I go through major derealization when in the doc office.
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