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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Are these symptoms normal?? thank you


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Hi everyone just wanted some support ive been on xanax / klonapin for 5 years i started when i first had a panic attack er gave me xanax for the first 4 years i was taking 1 to 3 mgs a day maybe more then i finally got a doctor within this past year that cut me down to klonapin and 3 weeks ago i stopped all together  but now im having weird symptoms like my vision feels weird like  blurred vision constant upset stomach dizzy feeling cant think straight feeling like im gonna die.. but i think most of it is anxiety worrying that this is not my problem.. am i out of the dangerzone with like having seizures and what not??? am what im feeling normal with withdrawing?? thank you guys   
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Hi everyone just wanted some support ive been on xanax / klonapin for 5 years i started when i first had a panic attack er gave me xanax for the first 4 years i was taking 1 to 3 mgs a day maybe more then i finally got a doctor within this past year that cut me down to klonapin and 3 weeks ago i stopped all together  but now im having weird symptoms like my vision feels weird like  blurred vision constant upset stomach dizzy feeling cant think straight feeling like im gonna die.. but i think most of it is anxiety worrying that this is not my problem.. am i out of the dangerzone with like having seizures and what not??? am what im feeling normal with withdrawing?? thank you guys 



If I'm reading your post right, you're now three weeks off any benzodiazepines, right?  You should be fine as far as seizures, which are mostly associated with cold turkey withdrawal from high doses.


The lingering symptoms sound like classic withdrawal symptoms, as Orion said, especially if you tapered off fairly quickly, which often happens with a doctor-led taper.  They will begin to settle down with a little time.


It will make responding to your posts easier if you go up to Profile, choose Forum Profile, write your Xanax/Klonopin taper and dose information in the text box and click Change Profile.


Thanks, titan. 

Challis  :)



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fwiw - those classic c/t withdrawal symptoms also often occur when doing a slow taper (I know I speak blasphemously - but it's true).


A lot of us Google our symptoms and come to believe that we have MS or ALS or some other horrible malady (which causes us additional anxiety/panic).  Please know that what you're experiencing is due to withdrawal, and it could take a while for those symptoms to significantly resolve. 


The probability of a seizure is never very high unless you have a history of seizures.  Also - the usual 'window' for seizures is about two weeks after a c/t.  You should be fine.  Do your best to eat properly, remain active and maintain a positive attitude.  Learn about distracting yourself (comes in handy if your withdrawal symptoms get really lousy). 

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The norm is there is no norm. It is different every day for every body. I have had your symptoms. My eyes are much better as far as the blurring. At this point 2 1/2 months c/t from Lorazepam my body keeps feeling better with twitches and jerks thrown in to remind me I am not out of the woods yet. But my lungs no longer ache. Nor do I feel like I have the flu all the time. The brain stuff is the hardest for me now. I can go from laughing to crying to raging all in one day. Hang in there. There are books like Worse Than Heroin and others that tell of the author's experience in withdrawal. Maybe one of those would reassure you that it is all part of the rollercoaster of benzos.


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Hi everyone just wanted some support ive been on xanax / klonapin for 5 years i started when i first had a panic attack er gave me xanax for the first 4 years i was taking 1 to 3 mgs a day maybe more then i finally got a doctor within this past year that cut me down to klonapin and 3 weeks ago i stopped all together  but now im having weird symptoms like my vision feels weird like  blurred vision constant upset stomach dizzy feeling cant think straight feeling like im gonna die.. but i think most of it is anxiety worrying that this is not my problem.. am i out of the dangerzone with like having seizures and what not??? am what im feeling normal with withdrawing?? thank you guys 



The symptoms are all classic of someone who stopped benzodiazepines cold turkey three weeks ago. It sounds like you are still in the acute phase of withdrawal. This is where symptoms are their very worst. The chances of seizures at this point are very very small. I, too, went through a horrific cold turkey withdrawal. My first month was absolutely horrible. I am just weeks shy of being one year off, and I am completely healed. Know that as awful as your symptoms are they are only temporary. Once you get out of the acute phase your symptoms should become much more manageable.

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I am just weeks shy of being one year off, and I am completely healed. Know that as awful as your symptoms are they are only temporary. Once you get out of the acute phase your symptoms should become much more manageable.




A couple of thoughts...  If you'd tapered, you'd almost certainly still be tapering (or just finishing and probably still having symptoms).  Was c/t really not the way to go?  Granted, there were some lousy times, but that's in the past. 


I've never regretted c/t-ing.  It was pretty horrific at first, but my baseline today is 95% (maybe higher since I now sleep without drugs in me).  If I'd crossed over and cut 10% every two weeks, I'd still have months to go.


Another thought...  Since you're healed, why not put a happier face on that avatar of yours??  Just a thought.

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Hi everyone just wanted some support ive been on xanax / klonapin for 5 years i started when i first had a panic attack er gave me xanax for the first 4 years i was taking 1 to 3 mgs a day maybe more then i finally got a doctor within this past year that cut me down to klonapin and 3 weeks ago i stopped all together  but now im having weird symptoms like my vision feels weird like  blurred vision constant upset stomach dizzy feeling cant think straight feeling like im gonna die.. but i think most of it is anxiety worrying that this is not my problem.. am i out of the dangerzone with like having seizures and what not??? am what im feeling normal with withdrawing?? thank you guys 


Hi titan, unfortunately its all normal, if there is such a thing during this nasty process.

I agree with others that you are out of the dangerzone for having seizures.


Its a scary journey, healthy food, no stress, avoid alcohol and deep belly breathing.....

deep breath through your nose....hold for a count of 6...and slowly out through your mouth again.


once you've passed this accute stage of wd things will improve,

and i would get your Vitamin-D level tested, a deficiency is not optimal.

wish you get relief soon. :)





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If you stopped taking it suddenly, those are probably withdrawal symptoms....they sure sound like classic withdrawal to me. These drugs should be tapered off of.

At 3 weeks, you are pretty much out of danger for seizures, which is the main concern when a person cold turkies off a benzo. They usually happen in the first 1-3 weeks. Unfortunately, benzo withdrawal can cause just about any possible symptom of both body and mind. It can be downright uncomfortable, and you may even think you've gone insane.

But - that's why this forum exists....for information, support. I hope you will be joining in!


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  • 2 weeks later...
Thank you everyone for the replies still going strong some days are better than others  I'm pretty sure I put myself into panics when I think about it the mornings are the worst stomach wakes me from sleep
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