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Is There Any Norm of Healing


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Me too satch, I'm really desperate too. I can't take this much longer. Sorry I don't have an answer but really what is the alternative for us? Go back on benzos? I don't know.
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From what I read, the first sign of healing is your feel better in the evenings! Then you get windows. Then the waves get shorter and the windows longer until you at healed!


You could heal overnight too. Anything is possible. Some lady healed while chatting on BB. Lol

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Someone healed while chatting on BB? Really?? Wow!


Yeah, there's a success story on it. Her door opened and never closed. Lol. It was back when they had a chat room.

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yes i read that success story but can't remember who it was. she was up late and couldn't sleep and while chatting she crossed to the other side.. i'll try to find it again. maybe someone else might know??
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Here's a message from Baylissa Johns that ran across my newsfeed this morning:




"Dear Friends, I hope you are all well and that you are managing your self-care as you wait for your recovery to be completed.

I just wanted to stop by to check in and to let you know that I continue to hear from people who are healing. It really is about timing so please, please... as you wait and endure the seemingly unrelenting symptoms, remember that no matter how intense they are, your recovery is taking place.

One day you will notice improvements... this is inevitable. So keep going... okay? Do all you can to nurture yourself and be mindful of your inner dialogue - those "what if thoughts" that are so convincing, but are actually not true and which you should not believe or fuel.

Well, take good care of yourselves. Remember to take time out from comparing notes, researching and analysing and just trust that you are healing, no matter what. Try to do regular activities, as much as you can – not as a struggle against what is taking place but just because healthy distractions are beneficial. Do your mindfulness exercises, breathing and/or whatever works for you.

And keep going… always remembering that no matter how long the process may seem to be taking, the outcome is your wellness and recovery. "

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My windows started in the evening too! ...how strange...At 10 month's out my only sxs left is stiff muscles, why we all have different time frames for healing is hard to understand, this process is not linear, but we do heal, I never thought I would...Diane :)
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Thanks everyone.  I guess I would feel better if I wasn't on these other meds which I fear are going to be impossible to get off of.


I really am a broken record I know of fear and doom.  I am sorry if my negativity is effecting any of you.  I am just scared my life is destroyed beyond repair.


I have to keep reminding myself that supposedly healing occurs even on other meds.

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It's ok satch we understand you. I felt the same way about taking the depakote. I'd still be on it if I wasn't forced off it due to liver problems. I don't think it kept me from healing but it had its own withdrawal and sure covered up some benzo withdrawal. I'm in a really dark place right now too, worse than acute, the sickest I've been in 5 years since my first ct. Hang in there its all we can do I guess.
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It is absolutely worth fighting for. There is life after benzos. Unfortunately there is no rhyme or reason to what symptoms we will have or long we will have them. The one thing I know is that people do heal. I did, and I went through a horrific early withdrawal. Read a few stories on our success board. There are some amazing recoveries.
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Thanks.  Just so terrified of more tapers and suffering when I have gone through so much already.


Benzos how fast did you taper the Seroquel when you got off of it.


Did you get any symptoms going down?



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Yup this is my second one. First one was over 5 years ago from 40 mg of ambien. I lasted a week and reinstated on valium. 4 years later I ct off 4 mg of valium.
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Almost at Month 9 and hurting bad. My evenings do sometimes feel normal, but still have dark depression. My body hurts, muscles, tendons, joints, ahhh. No motivation at all, it has gotten better but this is hell.
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From what I read, the first sign of healing is your feel better in the evenings! Then you get windows. Then the waves get shorter and the windows longer until you at healed!


You could heal overnight too. Anything is possible. Some lady healed while chatting on BB. Lol


A few posts said that possibly a sign of healing is that you feel better in the evenings!!! This is 1st I've heard of this!!!  :):D  This is good news - I was wondering why I feel so horrible most days in the morn & by late afternoon & eve. on some days, I will feel almost normal. This is GREAT news if this is true!!!


Can anyone else add to this thread about feeling better in the evening and why they think that is???  I've read that with adrenal fatigue, you have less cortisol in the morning to get you going & too much cortisol in evening, which affects sleep.


I'm 4.5 months into this healing process and have terrible Insomnia!!! (I've been posting on the Insomnia Forum.) Other symptoms also, but they seem a 20% less in my 4th month.


Hang in there - people keep saying it will get better.

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Only problem with that theory is I have been feeling better in evenings for along tome maybe 9 months with now wide open windows, summertime I 80% for a month or two.
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i will share here my experience of the 1st ct so people who are going through short time use of this garbage will have some very good news...


i took xanax 0,5 mg and then they ct me,,,,


after 2 months i was having 4 windows and 1 bad day,,,,(95% success story after 2 months)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



if not my evil parents who were sabotaging my healing i would have been now free and happy.....



take care

people :smitten:

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