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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Horrible mouth pain


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Hey there. I am new to benzobuddies. Is there anyone else that has horrible pins and needles in there mouth and throat?! It seems like nerves but i have no idea. I have been withdrawing from Klonopin and effexor xr for months.  :-\
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Hi there,


Firstly welcome to the forum and congratulations on being benzo free!


Yes, what you are experiencing, although distressing is quite common, it's a withdrawal effect, I had that tingling feeling for quite a while in early recovery along with numbness and feelings of electric shocks. Here's an excerpt from The Ashton Manual where these symptoms are discussed, I hope it helps to reassure you. I no longer have this symptom, it is temporary and will peter out as you begin to recover.


Quote from Dr Ashton :



Bodily sensations. All sorts of strange tinglings, pins and needles, patches of numbness, feelings of electric shocks, sensations of hot and cold, itching, and deep burning pain are not uncommon during benzodiazepine withdrawal. It is difficult to give an exact explanation for these sensations but, like motor nerves, the sensory nerves, along with their connections in the spinal cord and brain, become hyperexcitable during withdrawal. It is possible that sensory receptors in skin and muscle, and in the tissue sheaths around bones, may fire off impulses chaotically in response to stimuli that do not normally affect them.


In my clinic, nerve conduction studies in patients with such symptoms revealed nothing abnormal - for example, there was no evidence of peripheral neuritis. However, the symptoms were sometimes enough to puzzle neurologists. Three patients with a combination of numbness, muscle spasms and double vision were diagnosed as having multiple sclerosis. This diagnosis, and all the symptoms, disappeared soon after the patients stopped their benzodiazepines.


Thus these sensory symptoms, though disconcerting, are usually nothing to worry about. Very occasionally, they may persist (see section on protracted symptoms). Meanwhile, the same measures suggested under muscle symptoms (above) can do much to alleviate them, and they usually disappear after withdrawal.



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Deborah, thanks so much for your input. I get so terrified every night knowing that i won't be able to sleep because of my mouth pain, panic attacks, electric shocks in my extremities, etc. I'm trying to stay positive but sometimes i just want to to take Klonopin to make it stop. :(


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I have had burning mouth and gums plus itchiness in there ever since I started this journey. For a long time I thought it was dental in nature. Finally I got enough money to see a dentist - Nope, its not dental. Since then Ive read several posts here by people with mouth pain, burning, itching, etc. It makes sense, because the whole GI tract is chock full of gaba receptors.

But knowing this doesn't make it feel any better. It drives me crazy sometimes, because the only coping mechanism I have for it is sucking on hard candy and distracting myself.


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I have pins and needle feeling on the outside of my mouth and the inside is more numb and burning. I also have terrible teeth issues like numb feeling or like a clamp is on certain teeth in mouth with teeth sensitivity...been dealing with is before I begin to tamper but the issues got a lot worse when quitting the nasty drugs.  My throat is more like extreme tightness or a lump in the throat. I still I'm thinking I'm allergic to metal crowns....I'd don't know.....but my main issue is face,mouth,throat,and some tightness of chest...plus other issues ....it will get better.....

Hope this helps.....but I understand mouth problems can bring on anxiety.....but this will pass...

Texas mama

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