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do you get intrusive thoughts?


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every time i go out and interact with people, i get intrusive thoughts putting me down, making me feel like i wont socialize properly, like im the most insecure person in the world - they make me feel like people are noticing that im acting weird - and because of them i get so self conscious.. so introverted, timid, obsessive, and i never used to be like this..


is it just me?

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I am getting that and it s HELL. Mine are connected with memories of failures, how i was feeling when feeling the worst. It is like mind pattern that i get into. And it all feels like that this was my normal self, and i am destined to return to that dark dark place. MINDBLOWN
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Iam 27 months free .I Had obsessive thoughts.Very often I forced myself to think over something.As if this thinking over would give me some solution and calmness.I thought over my health.I thought about hurting somebody.I dont know why.Now I can say that this thoughts are not my problem .I have many different symptoms but these thoughts went away.Just.My brain is working better.

take care


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Hi Pity klonopin,


I enjoyed talking to you earlier his week , theres nothing wrong with you , you dont seem introverted your a cool guy talkin to ok?  :hug:

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I can relate to that. Not all the time but sometimes I feel shitty when I'm talking with someone. I get restless and kind of shut down. I was never really like that before either.
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