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How To Deal With Christmas.


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I'm struggling with starting a daily taper plus other illnesses at the moment.

I'm in a lot of pain everyday.


I've been asked by my daughter to go to her house for Christmas dinner, my son and his partner

will also be there.  My problem is that there are so many things I can't eat  otherwise I experience terrible stomach

pain, plus food has to be cooked just so for me to enjoy it.

On top of this I am in a lot of pain,  I feel very depressed too. I also have problems with social phobia.


I would really like to stay in my own home and have a quiet day, I would like to see my family on the day, just not

for a meal.  My hubby would like to go to our daughters,  No-one gets how sick I am !!!!

Anyone got any advice on how to deal with this ?  I can't win either way. :-\


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One possible option for the food thing is to bring your own.  Bringing one or two dishes to a holiday meal shouldn't be viewed as a faux pas (often, it's desirable).  It would give you more options.  It's also likely that there will be some other foods that will be OK for you. 


Besides - being there for dinner isn't really about the food. 


(you can win)

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Holidays can be very stressful; maybe go for a short period of time ...    not feeling obligated to have a long visit.

It's difficult to be in a group setting when dealing with so much.  For me, even though feeling down, sometimes

when I force myself to actually get out, I feel a little better.     

Wishing you healing, wannafeelwell.




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