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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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Even if I'm having a not very nice taper, and I'm pretty new in the BB world... just stop here to say that during the taper and the w/d there are moments that you can feel really good! I've just had one, or I'm having one, of this called windows. Maybe tomorrow I'm double sick but I don't care, I needed to feel this! I was so discouraged.... and wanted also to remind you all that this actually happens time to time, even if you don't believe so now! Feeling much better than when I was having the benzo, like as I was before! Taping and w/d are being pretty hard for me: huge anxiety, depression, difficulty to breath, obsessive thinking, hate to myself... but this decision is the best we could have! we are taking care of our health, this is a big and hard step (especially thinking of how much we can suffer quiting the drug and even months after...).


But if you are suffering now, this window moments happens as well!, and I'm sure that will be more and more with time. Just stay strong, be patient, and do nice things for yourself. We are right now a sick baby, and also the mom who takes care of him/her. Hard double job, but very rewarding at the end!


Best wives, stay strong! I'm with you all, you will have a window soon :)



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Glad you had a window.  It's a wonderful feeling.  Like you woke up from a bad dream and everything is completely normal.  You truly learn to appreciate these days, they are a gift of motivation to keep us pushing forward.  :thumbsup:


Hope you have many more!  I hope we all do!!!



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Hope you have many more!  I hope we all do!!!




Thank you Try! Yes is great! I was feeling so unmotivated and discouraged, I thought that I was not going to heal never! That I was actually anxiety/depression sick and I will always be. Also I had therapy today,  ::) it helped is true..!



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