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So grateful for sleep


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I'm starting week 2 of my first cut (holding steady at .625 mg k-pin) and I'd say that while I haven't gone through hell yet (hopefully it'll stay that way!) I'd definitely say I don't feel good about 75% of the time.  Sx's are mostly emotional but I've had some physical ones too-- a fair amount of d/p d/r, brutal headaches yesterday and sensitivity to light.


What I have found is that at the end of the day, when I'm completely exhausted, that's when I feel most like my old self.  I know insomnia and nightmares are common and somehow so far I've managed not to have those issues.  On the contrary, I'm pretty tired and foggy, but when I'm asleep I feel like I'm completely free of all of this.  Right before I fall asleep and right after I wake up are pretty good too.


I wish I could just sleep through the next year while I taper and wake up back to normal.

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Hi mad  ;D

I love my sleep too. It's now a time for me to let my brain relax and not do anything! I am sleeping well. Here's to good sleep, my friend!  :thumbsup:

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