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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Just discovered the horror of benzos


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Greetings all I joined this forum after accidentally coming across it, and discovering just how damaging benzos are. I've been on them over 6 months now and realized that I haven't been the same ever since. They've made me unbearably depressed and suicidal with self harming. I've always been depressed but never to the point where I actually self-harmed until benzos. So now I'm right here with all of you starting today to taper off of them. The withdrawals seem overwhelming so any advice on how to make this an easier process would be appreciated. Anyways nice to meet everyone here. Hope we can support each other.
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Hi KuroNeko  :hug: Welcome to Benzobuddies


Well done starting your taper, have you spoken to your doctor about the self harming ?  Are you familiar with the  Ashton Manual , it is an excellent resource for information about these medications and gives a lot of information about withdrawal/tapering.  Here is a link to the manual: Ashton Manual


A slow taper can help minimize withdrawal effects.  It is generally recommended to taper no more than 5-10% every 10-14 days.  This is a guideline and it is ok to adjust this schedule for  your own comfort.


We have a great community here of knowledgeable and friendly people who understand this process.  They will be willing to share their experience with you.  Feel free to ask questions so that members can respond


Here are some helpful links:


Withdrawal Support


General Taper Plans


If you ever feel you are at risk for self-harm, you must please call someone, a doctor! or go to the nearest emergency room,  your life is very precious. 


Let me refer you to our "Suicide and Self-harm" page, which is a useful resource:





If you would be so kind as to add a signature (history of meds/doses etc) it will help members give you relevant advice this link will show you how to”Create a signature”


Welcome aboard





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Hey Magrita, thank you for the welcome  :) Glad to read about your success story and being benzo free.


It was pure luck I discovered this site, and became informed about how dangerous benzos actually are. I might have continued to take them the rest of my life if it weren't for this site, and never have figured out what was wrong with me. I've spoken to my doctor about the self harming and they put me on lexapro, which I hope will also help with the tapering. It's been a couple days tapering off Klonopin and already this is absolute hell... The depression and anxiety is crushing plus this sense of hopelessness, but I know getting off benzos is no longer an option but a must.


Anyway thank you very much for all the advice and links, I added a signature as you suggested. This site seems really well equipped with information :) 

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Hello KuroNeko,


Welcome to the forum from me too  :)


You've made a good decision to begin tapering and you'll be given plenty of support and tapering assistance here.


I'm sorry to hear you are suffering so much. I'm a little confused reading your Signature line. Are you now taking both Ativan and Klonopin? if so which one are you tapering, your Signature line suggests it's the Ativan but in your last post you mention that you're tapering from the klonopin, perhaps you could clarify this.


Depression can be a side effect of long term benzo use, I suffered with dreadful bouts of depression during my latter years of benzo use. Benzos are intended for short term use only, say 2/4 weeks, many adverse side effects can take place with long term use.


I dont have personal experience with Lexapro  only to know it is an SSRI antidepressant but I know that it can take a few weeks before a positive effect is felt after starting an antidepressant and during the start-up period sometimes symptoms can worsen, maybe this is what is happening to you. I know that other members here have had experience of this particular drug. For questions relating to the Lexapro you can post on The Other Medications Board, here is a link to it :





I'm glad you found us and I wish you success with the taper.



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Hi KuroNeko,


I am tapering too.  And full of mistakes.  If you want to know what mistakes can push you out of track, I am willing to tell you.



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