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Can't nap? Anyone else?


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So, it does not matter how much sleep I do or do not get at night... If I'm tired in the day, I just can't seem to turn off even for a few moments to nap.


Is anyone else like this?


I used to be able to fade off in the middle of the day if I was really tired... But ever since putting this junk in my body, I can't.


Does this eventually come back?

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So, it does not matter how much sleep I do or do not get at night... If I'm tired in the day, I just can't seem to turn off even for a few moments to nap.


Is anyone else like this?


I used to be able to fade off in the middle of the day if I was really tired... But ever since putting this junk in my body, I can't.


Does this eventually come back?


As you can read in my signature antipsychotics destroyed my body as well as my sleep clock and wasn't longer able to nap. But when I switched to valium, napping was first impossible for a few months and then again possible once a day when I stabilized (10 mg), now it's not possible probably because I tapered too fast. I would expect that there is hope for you within many months.

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I cannot nap either. Last time I napped was last Dec when I was on Klonopin, but it was a toxic nap: was jolted awake from a scary dream.


I miss that sleep feeling and just curling up on the couch and drifting off.

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It slept about 5-5.5 hours last night, but was really tired this morning...


Ended up laying on the couch at noon, and tried to doze off... I came close. Felt myself slipping, but did not sleep.


I'm in this wave right now, where I wake up every day after about 4-5.5 hours of sleep regardless of the time I go to bed.


Then, when I try to an, it does not come...


I need to hear from someone that went through this, and got better!!! Please!!!!!

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Hi Damien,


I want to congradulate you being med free this is a blessing . i can tell when i need to take a nap when i doze off a lil bit on the recliner i either move to the sofa to sleep on or go to my bed sometimes when i get to my bed i cant fall asleep :(  . my sleep is usually 4-5 hours at night so a nap is necessary for me i nap for umm 1-3 hours

2 days ago i was unable to nap i had too much on my mind a close relative was going for surgery (he's ok now ) , like any lil thing on my mind im thinking about can keep me from falling asleep, even simple things like im thinking of buying donuts in the morning and im like "should i get cake donuts or apple fritters?"


i prefer taking a nappy on the sofa i like the plush pillows there too if im by myself i keep the tv on low like on a tv channel that isnt loud talking or loud noises like the weather channel or c span


i hope your recovering well from stopping your meds , congradulations again damien  :smitten::hug:

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It slept about 5-5.5 hours last night, but was really tired this morning...


Ended up laying on the couch at noon, and tried to doze off... I came close. Felt myself slipping, but did not sleep.


I'm in this wave right now, where I wake up every day after about 4-5.5 hours of sleep regardless of the time I go to bed.


Then, when I try to an, it does not come...


I need to hear from someone that went through this, and got better!!! Please!!!!!


Hi there,


I still cant nap either, haven't been able to take a nap since I started tapering but I believe that we will be able to take naps again when we begin to heal. Here's a link to a thread I found where napping is discussed, there are a few members here who are now able to nap, I hope this helps to reassure you :







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Hi Debbie,


I appreciate you posting that link. It's always reassuring to hear other buddies have found their way back.


I'm getting tired at night a bit. Finding if I relax and maybe read or do a meditation, I feel myself fading.


Problem now is, I wake up after 4-5 hours.


I'm finding that the sound of cars and planes flying over the house stir me. Before drugs, this never happened. Anyone else have this problem?

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Hi again Damien.


For the first few months post taper, loud noises really bothered me, even the sound of dishes clanking really disturbed me and I'd never had this problem prior to tapering. I think that sensory hypersensitivity is responsible for this, I'll post an excerpt from The Ashton Manual here for you where this is discussed. I wouldn't worry too much for now, I'm sure this symptom will peter out as you begin to recover, I know that I no longer have this problem :


Quote from Dr Ashton



Sensory hypersensitivity. Acharacteristic feature of benzodiazepine withdrawal is a heightened sensitivity to all sensations - hearing, sight, touch, taste and smell. When extreme, these sensations can be disturbing. One lady had to stop all the clocks in the house because their ticking sounded unbearably loud; many have had to don dark glasses because ordinary light seemed dazzlingly bright. Some find that the skin and scalp becomes so sensitive that it feels as if insects are crawling over them. Heartbeats become audible and there may be a hissing or ringing sound in the ears (tinnitus - see below). Many people complain of a metallic taste in the mouth and several notice strange, unpleasant, smells which seem to emanate from the body. These sensations, including an unpleasant smell (which usually no-one else can detect) have been described in anxiety states in the absence of benzodiazepines. Like insomnia and panics, they are probably reflections of heightened activity in the central nervous system. Such hypervigilance is part of the normal fear and flight response which is damped down by benzodiazepines but undergoes a rebound during withdrawal.


These sensations return towards normal as withdrawal progresses, and some people are pleased with the new, seemingly extraordinary, clarity of their perceptions. Only in withdrawal do they realise how much their senses have been obscured by benzodiazepines. One lady described how thrilled she was when she could suddenly see individual blades of grass in her newly bright green lawn; it was like the lifting of a veil. Thus, these sensations need not give rise to fear; they can be viewed as signs of recovery.


I hope this help,


Debbie  :)

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I'm not sure if this is even WD anymore...


Prior to going on the meds, i was very anxious about a number of life changes. I had a very difficult time sleeping in January.


Then I went on the meds, and sleep came back to me. But after about a month, I grew tolerant, and I needed more. It got to the point where even on the meds, I would often not sleep, or get little sleep. Then I'd get a stretch of decent sleep, but that sometimes required me to updose.


Now that I'm off the meds, the sleep is still a problem. When I finally got off the Seroquel, I was able to sleep really well for 2 weeks. Then I read something about someone reinstating their Seroquel, and I had a few really bad nights.


Seems my sleep is triggered my anxiety. So I'm not even sure this is WD :(


How to know???

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A pin dropping will wake me up from sleep. As a result, I have to control/protect my sleep environment from any noise. I, too, hope to get back to the deep, deep, sleeper I used to be. But it is still a lot better to be a light sleeper than  a chronic insomniac (which I was not all that long ago).
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Hi Debbie,


I appreciate you posting that link. It's always reassuring to hear other buddies have found their way back.


I'm getting tired at night a bit. Finding if I relax and maybe read or do a meditation, I feel myself fading.


Problem now is, I wake up after 4-5 hours.


I'm finding that the sound of cars and planes flying over the house stir me. Before drugs, this never happened. Anyone else have this problem?


I wear ear plugs, because my sleep is so light. Plus, everyone around me snores.

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My sleep is always changing... Now I sleep about 4-5 hours, wake up feeling a bit anxious, then in and out of very light sleep and dreams.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Damien,


are you taking any over the counter stuff to help sleep?im not suggesting this but this is what i take , since im benzo free its sorta safe for me to take stuf that would interract wth xanax in the past such as valerian i was worried with trying it at first i just got a low low dose of it this bottle in this picture has 75mg of valerian along with chamomille & melatonin i got it at the dollar tree the first tiem i took it i was worried so i just took half a pill , i hope this helps you *hugs*



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