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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Do you tell your parents about bzdp w/d?


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I am in my mid twenties and my parents are still a great influence in my life. They are the reason I am working 60 hours a week so that no one has to support me and I can support them later on in life like they have most of my life. I'm going to visit family this thanksgiving and I really don't want to hide my medication , take it in secret and act like everything is ok. My parents are the type of people who think anxiety can be controlled by simply exercising. It's difficult. Do you tell your parents what's going on or do you just keep on trucking?
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I would be honest.


You can say that you had an adverse reaction to prescription medicine. But the more people who are aware of these dangers in many ways the better.


You can advise them of the literature we read if they have doubts, but I think they would want to support you, and if you educate them they will do so without judgment.


Ultimately it is your call, and you know them better than any of us. This is purely my opinion. Honesty has always been my curse however.

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Yea you're right, I think I will tell my Dad what's been going on when I see him next week. I think he will be supportive as I'm still trying very hard even though I have shakes, blurry vision, dizzyness, stomach issues, etc etc etc. the only time I've called  in sick from work is when I had a fever of 103 over the summer and a sore throat. I just don't want to be a disappointment or viewed as a drug addict in their eyes.
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But you aren't a drug addict in any way.


The dr prescribed you a medicine, and unfortunately that dr wasn't up to date with the fact that these meds are only to be used for 2-4 weeks, and if for 4 weeks to be tapered off.


You are a victim of the system. Even if you did choose to updose it was from medicine drs had given you. Most people would think that is perfectly safe, unless advised otherwise.


They will be proud of the strength and fortitude that you are showing whilst continuing to work 60 hours a week. Good on you - you are doing great  :thumbsup:

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But you aren't a drug addict in any way.


The dr prescribed you a medicine, and unfortunately that dr wasn't up to date with the fact that these meds are only to be used for 2-4 weeks, and if for 4 weeks to be tapered off.


You are a victim of the system. Even if you did choose to updose it was from medicine drs had given you. Most people would think that is perfectly safe, unless advised otherwise.


They will be proud of the strength and fortitude that you are showing whilst continuing to work 60 hours a week. Good on you - you are doing great  :thumbsup:


Thank you for the encouraging words, I used to live with an opiate addict who never had a pain issue in his life and he would always ask me "have you used today" and stuff like that. Made me very uncomfortable and I had to move out with help from my parents, I feel like if I tOld them that now im having a hard time from this medication they would at me just like they did my old roommate.

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It is a completely different situation. And you can choose what you tell them.


You are on a pretty low dose now and have done remarkably well. Educate them with enough information so they know that it is different and they can support you. They are your parents, even if it was a parallel situation to your opioid using roommate they would never look at you the same way. But anti-anxiety meds are a completely different kettle of fish. I updosed myself but my original prescription for valium came from a dr - even the first pills that led me to my binge - and the first time I knew what hell I was in for was when I googled ways to ease the CT that I realised I was in deep s#*t. All I saw was "taper taper taper" otherwise it would be "seizure, danger, death" and what I thought was cr*p - I'm going to be exposed! I'd even bought some weed to help me through the CD and then thought - double cr*p - exposure for something I use very irregularly that's just going to make me look so much worse!


I am fairly upfront with my parents (only my mum is left now) but my older brother is a shocker so I always kind of get away with it, and my mum respects my honesty. Her mum had anxiety issues and I believe I have always reminded her of her (all my grandparents were dead before I was born). My mums mum was a widow with a 14 yr old, a 9 year old (my mum) and a 4 year old. Apparently she used to overdo the anti-anxiety med of the time (I know it came in a bottle - not sure if it was barbs or morphine). One afternoon she overdid it and couldn't be woken - this led to her being incarcerated and a torturous amount of electro therapy later. I sometimes think psychiatry hadn't gotten much better, just the drug companies getting richer. And I'm sure those drs love those conventions they go to in the Bahamas sponsered by Roche, and the ritilan manufacturers.


Off on a tangent then. You choose what you tell them, but I believe they will support you. And if it is too stressful - maybe choose not to. Or don't make the decision until you are there and see how everything is travelling.

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I already came out as Gay. Don't need to come out as a benzo addict. JK. My parents know. It took them a while to "get it". Once I got proof from my psychiatrist that it was benzo withdrawal it was easier for them to understand. Now I have their unconditional support. MUCH NEEDED.
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I told my mom. She understands but doesn't understand. She feels sympathy for me but she is convinced that once I take my last pill, within 24 hours I will be healed. She refuses to read any literature on the topic. Dad just died.
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I told my mom. She understands but doesn't understand. She feels sympathy for me but she is convinced that once I take my last pill, within 24 hours I will be healed. She refuses to read any literature on the topic. Dad just died.


I'm sorry for your loss :( are you doing okay?


My mom doesn't really understand either..I have told her but she doesn't care really. It's more my dad that I'm nervous of telling about.

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I'd say that you are the best one to gauge your parents' response. If you can imagine your stress level or anxiety going up by telling them, I'd figure out ahead of time who will be your life-line, and have a bag of coping tools at the ready. Walks, meditation, prayer, deep breathing, baths, whatever. I suppose these would be good to consider even if you said nothing. the holidays can be so intense.


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I told my parents today. They agreed that tapering is the best thing for me to do in my life right now. They didn't treat me like a drug addict or anything differently and it feels great to have their support. I hope I can beat this.
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Well done!


I'm proud of your courage and strength. I have a feeling you will beat this and come out the other end wonderfully 😊


Your doing really well


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Well done!


I'm proud of your courage and strength. I have a feeling you will beat this and come out the other end wonderfully 😊


Your doing really well


Thank you! It felt really good to just be honest with them. I'm glad i decided to make this change For myself. I feel like a couple months ago I would have just been fine staying on these meds, but now I've come so far I will never look back. I appreciate the support :)

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