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Foods to stay away from in acute?


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Hey BBs,


Are there any foods I should be staying away while in acute? I noticed that when I have sugar and salty foods my anxiety gets worse. Maybe I am imagining it. Anyway would love some feedback from you.




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Sugar, caffeine, gluten, msg, foods with preservatives,  additives, chemicals ect.  Also foods that have been over cooked or browned release free glutamate which in your body is msg. I also had to avoid nuts and seeds, coconut oil and fruit. The fruit was mentally revving, I suppose from the sugar and complex sugars, digestion?  I did best with chicken and low carbohydrate vegetables. Eventually added small amounts of rice and butter. Still do better with a low carb diet.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks for the two cents BBs. Ooomph, that's a lot of food to stay away from. I am trying to keep my weight up as well. This is definitely going to be a challenge.
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I think you should just eat whatever you enjoy and not worry too much what others can and cannot tolerate.


It's a very individual thing.


I've enjoyed a big variety of foods throughout my taper and w/d. It makes life a little nicer.  :thumbsup:


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I was able to eat anything during my withdrawal. I ate tons of Chinese in early withdrawal. The only thing I stayed away from and still do is caffeine. Like Chinookwind said it is really an individual thing.
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Thanks guys, you are totally right, it is individual. I LOVE salt, and I have been noticing that my anxiety revs waaaayy up when I overdo it. I was googling around and found this interesting tidbit "


“High-salt diets increase blood pressure, forcing your heart to work harder,” Dr Brian Morton, chair of the Council of General Practice for the Australian Medical Association, says. “Your body then releases the stress hormone adrenaline.” And hello, edginess and tension.


I was told several years ago by my dentist that I am sensitive to adrenaline when he gave me a numbing shot. So I guess this makes sense for me.


Here is the site I got my quote from: http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/food/six-foods-that-make-you-anxious/story-fneuz8wn-1226703850259

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