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Those who have face numbness.....do you have this feeling


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Was wondering if anyone else with face and mouth like numbness feeling has a hard time sucking from a straw ....sorry about being bizarre ....but it's one of my weird symptoms ...just wondering if anyone else can relate.


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Can you describe your face numbness.....like mine feels numb and tight,pressure under eye lids but if I touch my face I can feel the touch....it's more so on my left side of face and pressure or numbness on upper back left teeth.....starting to see the patterns of tightness in chest and stomach too.......

The pains seem endless and when one stops something else starts then the cycle seems to repeat...I have another question ...I quit taking clonzapam on new years but a dr suggested me trying a muscle relaxer this summer I didn't realize it was a benzo...so did I goof up my quitting date.....sorta confused on that...



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It sounds a bit like what I have. I try and live with it. A favourite muscle relaxer is baclofen which works on the GABA B site so I have stayed of of that. I am sorry you are having it. This face thing is my second worse thing after my muscle jerks. I do get chest pain as well. Horrible. I am nearly 5 months out.


Love buddy

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hi texasmama nice name im a texan too :thumbsup:


years ago before i took xanax i felt numb on one leg / one arm it lasted a month or so i saw a dr they gave me tests and xrays they could not find anything wrong. i got a good massage on my neck and shoulders i felt some numbness relief . i continued to massage my neck back  and shoulders often  it was really strange i felt no pain there on my neck shoulders and back before i massaged them  but when i started masaging there i felt alot of tension at those places try this i really hope this helps you & god bless you,


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