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ideas to help Benzo Belly?


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Hi all....I have been doing  very well the last two weeks except for stomach discomfort.  I never really had benzo belly bloating while tapering but it seems to have visited me in month 6. :'(  I went to the dr. and he gave me prilosec which I only took for two weeks and will never take again.  It helped but I don't ever want to rely on meds again unless I really need them.  I stoppped the Prilosec two days ago and the bloating has returned with a vengeance.  I also woke up at 2am with terrible lower ab pain and had a very watery stool. It's weird...sometimes I am constipated and others I am very loose.  I know it can be a rebound effect form the prilosec but I still would like some ideas on what people have found helpful.


bloating and tummy distention is terrible!  My pants don't fit and I feel gross.  :sick:



oh...I should add that I eat a pretty healthy diet with very little processed food.  I do like my coffee and occasional drink but I tend not to overdo anything  anymore.  I also started having a glass of goat milk kefir in the am.

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I wish I had the cure for you but I don't. I suffered from benzo belly terribly in early withdrawal, and I felt just the way you do. What I can tell you as horrible and as uncomfortable as benzo belly is it is only temporary. You belly will get better.
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I tried a very 'clean' diet for awhile... no dairy, sugar or flour.  It seemed to help but is a hard regime to stick to.  I finally had some relief by eating small amounts at a time. 
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thanks ladies... :smitten:


Why must every symptom that comes be so debilitating?  rhetorical question... :crazy:


I have a dr. appt on wednesday with my dr. who prescribed my taper valium.  I'm sue she will want to run some tests but probably not worthwhile.  Another great benzo yuck I'll have to suffer through.


It's like a bargain with the devil..."would you like crushing head pressure, panic, or benzo belly this month?  Oh no...I wouldn't dare hit you with all three at once since you're past acute...only one of these lovelies at once" >:D:laugh:

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Hi drew


I occasionally get hit with abdomen pain and yellowish paleish sort of stools....did you ever get that????




I'm all over the map(or bowl) with my movements regarding color and consistency :laugh: 

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Just had to fix some peppermint tea for my tummy. Peppermint tea helps with the nausea but, unfortunately, not with the bloating.  :sick:


Been wearing oversized sweaters to work because I look a bit pregnant. Not attractive at all.  :tickedoff:

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yeah...the bloating is my worst symptom.  I tried gas X and it didn't do much.  I think I am just resigned to suffer it out with my glass of kefir in the am.   
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I didn't actually know that heart burn can be part of the "benzo belly".  I've had heartburn all my life and recently found out it was GERD, but I just figured my benzo belly was the gas and bloating and nausea and such.  But now I realize my heartburn has definitely ramped up and while I haven't changed my diet much, I realize now that it's also probably part of the withdrawal.  I lost my voice for about 3 months and the doctors finally figured out it was a result of the acid in my stomach hitting my vocal chords!
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green smoothies, preferably in am- a basic starter could be just handful spinach or any dark leafy green, cup of berries, apples, etc. a little juice if you need some sweet. if you do this regularly it will help most but sadly not all. I eat more fiber than most people and still get all kinds of nonsense. I use probiotics, digestive enzymes, fermented foods etc. I have a ton of allergies and have wrecked my stomach abusing otc drugs and antibiotics :(
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I know Lainey tried Aloe Vera and is now on a special diet called the fodmaps diet.  I have taken an anti spasmodic when I have been terrible and sometimes it helps sometimes not.  I find the heating pad helps me with the cramping and I can only eat chicken, rice, potato etc nothing much else agrees with me when I have this.  I can't eat meat at all but when I 'feel better' I can eat everything so I think it is the drug getting out of your system.
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Thanks for all the ideas.  :).  I'm laughing at the insanity of it all.  I've tried most of these things on and off except the aloe Vera.  :idiot:    Kgirl-I was in a most glorious window for ten days and I too ate whatever.  I even had two Manhattens and chocolate cookies.  I was living on the edge.  Now back to kefir, chic, rice, etc...
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