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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Exercise during w/d and taper.


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I've recently over the past couple of months have gone from a high dosage of clonazepam (10mg daily) to a stable dose of 2.0 mg, just down from 2.5mg about 3 and a half weeks ago. In the past two and a half years I also ran a lot and dropped my weight from 180 lbs to 120 lbs. I am 5'4" and 180 was extremely unhealthy. Since tapering and going through other stressful events I have experienced much loss of my muscle mass. I want to start exercising again but I do not want to lose any more weight. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I should do? Is it safe to do this during a taper? I have begun having protein shakes in the morning but haven't gone back to the gym yet. Looking for some tips. Thanks!
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I suggest easing into it and seeing how it feels.  Something like an exercise bike where you can take it easy if you want.  It does make me feel better....
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Weight gain/loss is basically a function of calories in versus calories burned.  If you want to build muscle and not lose weight, eat more.  If you've got a lot of physical symptoms such as shakes, your body will be burning more calories than usual - perhaps considerably more calories.  I think that I dropped 17 pounds in around 3 weeks when in acute.  Then I started eating more food and the weight loss stopped.  Eventually, weight starting increasing so I had to back off eating again (sigh - I like food).
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Thanks guys for the tips. I sometimes I feel like I have a worm or something because even though I eat regularly I do not really gain that much weight and it fluctuates a lot. I'm going to start slow and get back into it. I feel like getting On a bike will strictly lead me to sweating and losing weight so I wanted to maybe do some free weights and push ups on alternate days and see how that feels.
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Have you had your thyroid checked? Hyperthyroidism speeds up the metabolism and no matter how much you eat you will lose weight. It also causes anxiety. It would be worth getting it checked. A simple blood test is the first point of call for that.
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Also - if you do test for hyperthyroidism - one isn't allowed to do strenuous excersize  :(. It creates the risk of a thyroid storm. Thyroid storms I believe are almost 80% fatal  :(.


I have Graves' disease, (hyperthyroidism) but have had years of remission too. I hate it when it plays up as I love the gym, (I am out of remission right now  :(.) but the perk of eating all the time whenever and whatever I want is a perk I'd have to say. I do get terrible eating habits then though. Good thing I love the gym when in remission  ;)

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My thyroid has been checked several times. Not since being on clonazepam but about a year ago I had extensive blood work done because my anxiety led me to believe I had a more serious problem. Everything came back fine and I had gotten it checked before previously. Losing 60 lbs significantly changed my eating habits to the point where I was eating only 1-2 small meals a day. Lately though I have been having three meals a day with at least two having a lot of fiber and protein.
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Maybe get it checked again. Benzo's and stress can impact the endocrine system. Most likely it is the added anxiety of a taper. Stress can burn extra calories - I think even up to an extra 400 a day (if I remember what I read correctly)
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I'm planning to get a full checkup again soon but it's difficult to schedule time with my work schedule. I wake up at 7:00 am, leave at 7:30 and am usually not home until 9pm. I wish doctors were opened on the weekend !
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