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How to deal with bad DR?


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I wouldn't say mine is severe. It was just everything felt dream-like, but now things seem unfamiliar to me. How do you deal with it? Is there anything that helps? Its getting kinda scary. I'm worried I soon won't recognize anything. :(
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Hmmm...sorry you're dealing with this.  I have it every once in a while, even before i ever took benzos.  When this happens now i talk myself thru it...like, ok, this is just a weird feeling, i'm still here and real, just have to wait it out.  When possible, i lie down and stay by myself until it's over.


Don't know if that works for you though, my dr spells are fairly short, it would be harder if they last long.  And distraction of course, do whtever you can to get your mind off it.


Hang in there  :)

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